Thursday, October 31, 2019
Campaign Finance Reforms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Campaign Finance Reforms - Essay Example The purpose of this Act was to make campaign finance transparent. This was followed by a prolonged period of silence and restraint in this area. In the year 2002, the need for introducing reforms in campaign finance surfaced again. This led to the coming into existence of Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (Nielsen 43). This Act assured that the private donors are not able to donate much money to the political parties and political contestants that are not legally regulated by the Federal Election Commission. This was indeed a big step towards reforming campaign finance. Still, there were some aspects of this reform that happened to be controversial in a legal context (Nielsen 43). This led to a Supreme Court ruling in the year 2010 in the famous Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission case, which declared this act to be unconstitutional (Nielsen 59). This Supreme Court verdict once again increased the role played by the corporate money in the American democracy. Thereby this ver dict has generated much public disapproval. This has indeed increased the need for more campaign finance reforms. It is a known fact that collecting campaign finance is a task that takes much time and attention of the Congress men. This diverts their attention from the real issues faced by the country. The politicians are greatly dependent on the private donors for campaign finance. Thereby, this increases the clout of the corporate and private donors in the American political system (Schier 41).
Monday, October 28, 2019
Often Imitated Never Duplicated Essay Example for Free
Often Imitated Never Duplicated Essay Never Duplicated Michael Jackson brought a new style to the music scene, changing everything from fashion, videos and dance, which started around the making of the Thriller album and several of it’s music video’s. Men, women, boys, girls, black, or white it did not matter; everyone wanted to be a little like Michael Jackson, he crossed over all races and genres of music. It could have been the red military type jacket, the black pants, patent leather shoes, or the white sequin glove that he wore in the Thriller video. Everyone tried to copy Michael Jackson in some shape, form, or fashion, especially trying to do the moonwalk or robot that Michael Jackson perfected. Everyone stood in front of a mirror to see if they could do the Robot or told someone to watch me as they did the moonwalk. Michael Jackson and the Thriller album have influenced many of the pop artists today in their dance and showmanship. Record executive, producer, and singer Antonio Reid stated this in Rolling Stone Magazine. Michael has influenced so many artists, some of whom are picking up on the grandeur and showmanship of his live performances. You can see his influence in his sister Janet, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Britney Spears, and in Jennifer Lopez and Mariah Carey. You can see his influence in the dance movesâ€â€the syncopated choreographyâ€â€that a lot of young artists use. And a lot of them have picked up his work ethic. When you look at Britney Spears production or a Justin Timberlake production, or it you look at an Usher production, you really see that they took a page out of Michael’s book; they went to rehearsal, and they must have worked eight hours a day, because their shows are flawless, as Michael’s shows were flawless (A. Reid). So many artists are motivated and influence by Michael Jackson that a lot of them even imitate him 25 years after the Thriller album. The imitation runs deeper than just song and dance. His vision and perfection set the example for so many more to follow. Michael Jackson still has musicians in the 21ST century aspiring to be a modern version of him. Not everyone will pick up on how much he influences artist today unless they follow Michael Jackson closely or grew up with him and watched the evolution of Michael; he was the Elvis of his generation [early to mid 80’s]. Of all Michael Jackson’s great qualities, dancing is probably the most imitated or at least it’s the most visible imitation of all, unless you just have a good ear for Michael Jackson’s music and remixes. Michael Jackson perfected the Moonwalk that he learned by watching kids and break-dancers perform in the streets. Once Michael Jackson had it perfected it, he debuted the Moonwalk on the Motown 25th Anniversary special, which was on National TV. This made the Moonwalk tremendously popular and notorious worldwide along with the robot that he was famous for. There’s way to many pop artists inspired and influenced my Michael Jackson to cover them all, a few of them are Ginuwine, Justine Timberlake, Sisco, Usher, NSYNC, and Janet Jackson. Justin Timberlake, Usher, Chris Brown and Ginuwine are a few of the many that will be used to show how much influence Michael Jackson has had on the pop music of the 21st Century. In an interview with VH1 the VH1 staffer asked Justin Timberlake â€Å"How have your changing musical tastes influenced your solo work? †and Justin answered with â€Å"My inspirations have been the same since I was 12. I love Stevie Wonder†¦Al Green. And of course, Michael Jackson and Prince and Earth Wind Fire, too†(Lerner). Justin Timberlake has been known to dance like Michael Jackson in his concerts and videos, even wearing a fedora like Michael Jackson. Susan Horsburgh of People magazine did an article on Justin Timberlake covering Justin’s solo debut. â€Å"emerging from a gigantic boom box to sing â€Å"like I Love You,†which, with his fedora and moonwalk moves, he performed in the style of his idol, Michael Jackson†(Horsburgh). Just another example of how Michael Jackson has pop artist today trying to be the new King of Pop. Justin Timberlake is not the only artist that is influenced by Michael Jackson. Chris Brown is another popular pop artist that has been influenced by Michael Jackson when it come to his performances and dancing. Chris Brown took Michael Jackson’s style of dancing and added his on spin or flare to it to make it his own. In the Washington Post journalist Allison Stewart says this about Chris Brown, he’s, â€Å"Fond of modified moonwalking and benign, poppy club jams†¦Michael Jackson without the ick†(Stewart). Which tells the reader that Brown is just like Jackson but with out the ick, can’t get any better than that. Chris Brown has taken Michael Jackson’s moves, practiced them, perfected them, and added his own twist to them making it his own. Chris Brown is another pop artist that is known for his dance as much as his music. As we make comparisons you will be surprised by some of the artist and what they’ve done. One that you might not know that was influenced by Michael Jackson is Ginuwine. Popular RB singer Elgin Baylor Lumpkin or better known as Ginuwine was also influenced by Michael Jackson and took emulating Michael Jackson to a whole new level at an early age. â€Å"Lumpkins interest in music was ignited by Prince and Michael Jackson, especially the latter’s legendary moonwalking performance†¦at the mere age of 12, began performing parties†¦later worked as Michael Jackson impressionist†(biography). Ginuwine went on to further his music career using the influence and experiences of Michael Jackson to become a successful RB artist. Of the many, many artist influenced by Michael Jackson, Usher Raymond, has been influenced by Michael Jackson in so many ways, but mostly in his dancing. During the remaking of the 25th anniversary of the â€Å"Thriller Album†Usher said â€Å"That great choreograph and great energy that Michael puts behind it, try to re-create that feeling. I try to take different kinds of dance and apply it in the same way Michael did in â€Å"Thriller’, ‘Beat It’ and ‘Off the Wall. ’†(Reid, Hiatt, and Yago). Which has brought us to where were at today, even with rap artist like Snoop D O double G. That’s the king right there,†Snopp Dogg said about the love Michael still gets. â€Å"Michael Jackson has always been an inspiration to me as far as his music is concerned. You can’t take nothing from Him†(Reid, Hiatt, and Yago). Not that it’s a bad thing; there are worse people to imitate, emulate or just be influenced by. His dance moves have been imitated in just about everyway from music videos to TV ads. The most recent was the commercial during the Super Bowl with the SoBe drink, which had the lizards doing the thriller dance with one of the singers from Destiny’s child. Shaheem Reid a well known MTV and Hollywood writer points how Michael Jackson’s dance has influenced other artist to include female groups, â€Å"There is Michael Jackson’s dance moves from â€Å"Thriller†in Destiny’s Child’s â€Å"Bootylicious video†(Reid, Hiatt, and Yago). Just another example of how Michael Jackson has influenced pop artist both male and female. Why would any artist imitate, emulate or even use Michael Jackson as an Inspiration? Here’s a few statistics that would explain why the Justin Timberlakes, the Ushers, the Chris Brown’s and the Ginuwines would use Michael’s work ethic, music and dance to guide them. Thriller originally spent 37 weeks at No. 1, a total of 80 consecutive weeks in the Top 10. Its also the only album in American history to be the bestselling album for two years. Seven of the albums nine songs hit the Billboard Top 10 with Billie Jean and Beat It both reaching No. 1†(Gamboa). â€Å"The â€Å"Thriller Album has earned 47 million dollars to date, making it the 2nd best album of all times only after the Eagles Greatest Hits album†(RIAA). If you were to imitate an artist why not Michael Jackson, he has been accepted into the Rock and Roll hall of fame twice, as solo artist and for the work in the Jackson Five. He has the largest selling record of all times; selling more than 40 million copies, double diamond in the United States, not platinum, but diamond. His Thriller album was accepted by the United States as a National treasure, not many music artists can say that. Michael Jackson will go down in history as one of the all time greats, putting him with the likes of Jimi Hendrix’s, the Eagles, the Beatles, Elvis and Bob Dylan. It’s now been 25 years since the release of â€Å"Thriller†one of the greatest albums ever. Various pop artists of today like Fergie, Akon, Will I Am, and more will redo the original songs on the 25th anniversary album. After 25 years the spirit of the â€Å"Thriller album†is still alive and artists all want to be a part of such a historical event. The 25th anniversary of the album was released on 11 Feb 2008, with never recorded songs, behind the scene’s look and the remix songs. Most of the artist doing the remixes admit they can’t live up to the standard that Michael Jackson set years ago and continues to do. It’s hard to believe one album could influence the music industry so much, much less 25 years after it’s debut, but â€Å"Thriller†has done just that. If you don’t think Michael Jackson is often imitated and used as a source of influence in the music world you’re in a real case of denial. These examples have shown that many artists since the album â€Å"Thriller†were influenced by Michael Jackson’s performance and dance. Music and dance has been influenced through years and years of artist and will continue to influence the artist of the future. Many people have formed unbiased opinions of Michael Jackson, but if they take his personal life and separate it from his work they would realize the impact on today’s music and dance. He has influenced so many artists to become the successes they are today and will continue to influence the music of tomorrow. His style of dance has been recreated in so many ways from other music artist actually imitating him to taking his style and trying to make it their own. His dancing from the â€Å"Thriller video has been used in other music videos, commercials and in various other media’s. Some have tried, but none have succeeded on a Michael Jackson level.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Culture Difference Between China And Japan Cultural Studies Essay
Culture Difference Between China And Japan Cultural Studies Essay In western peoples point of view, the Asians look at Asian would be like insiders, because the geography is closed, they are Asia. Moreover, western think Asians appearances almost are the same. There are forty-eight countries in Asia, different policies, different religions, and different language. I agree with the researcher who advocacy of a multi-level and multi-perspectives to analyse cross culture. (Tung, 2007) When Asians look in their own country, although there still have some difference among different region, but in generally they have a lot of common points. When Asians look in Asia, but not look in their own countries. Mostly Asians will feel unfamiliar as western people to look at Asia. In this essay, I plan to take China and Japan as an example to analyse. I think these two countries are nearby to each other, and even the character of Chinese and Japanese has several same parts. Economic globalization made all of the countries could not exist to grow up respectively. Due to the globalisation process, China and Japan had being enhanced the cooperation activities in the past 30 years. There are more and more multi-national company comes out. Certainly, cross cultural management became a significant issue now. Some researchers believed in that during the globalisation process could make the difference culture integrate in the future. (Tung, 2008) In another words, each countries culture would diminish, and absorbed the other popular culture. After many decades, the whole world only has the popular culture exist. However, Hofstede believed that national culture will still be stable. (Tung, 2008) Many regions culture has being grown thousands of years, they should be stable. I partly agree with the previous points, I think the degree of traditional culture impact has been changed indeed. In another word, some parts of national culture will diminish, by contrast, some parts still be stable existed. In addition, some new culture has being absorbed as time goes on. In addition, I agree with the researcher who advocacy of a multi-level and multi-perspectives to analyse cross culture. (Tung, 2007) In this section, I would like to introduce definitions, which are relevant to the cross cultural management. Terence (1995) concluded that culture has been defined as the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category (it can be a nation, region, a social class, and so on) of people from another. In another words, culture could be anything, which can influence humans behaviours and conceptions. In addition, the management has been defined as getting common goals done through other people. (Hofstede, 2007) Then, I am going to combine these two definitions. Cross culture management could be defined as to get common goals done through other people, which constrained by different categories (it can be a nation, region, a social class, and so on). And now, I explain why I use the definition of culture to instead of cross culture. In my point of view, even in the same region, the culture is difference. As I said before, culture could be anything relevant to peoples thinking. Therefore, different people would have their own background. When a manager plan to manage different individual, no matter whether they are the same nationalities. It can be called cross culture management as well. However, the previous theories looks like an extremely point. In this part I would like to analyse some point about Japanese and Chinese. As a Chinese, I think when a Chinese want to ask for a leave to their leader. They always use family problems as an excuse, because this way could increase the percentage of permission. If leader refuse the family issue, which looks like less bowel. When the colleges ask you to borrow some money, if you choose yourself problem as an excuse, it seems a little bit direct. Therefore, Chinese prefer to choose the indirect way. By contrast, Zhang ¼Ã‹â€ 2009) illustrated that there is few percentage Japanese would like to use family issue as an excuse to reject some business request. By contrast, in China people usually to use family as an excuse. I think the source of the difference is that privacy issue in Japanese conceptions are more serious than Chinese. In Japanese opinion, they would like to separate works and family problems. Due to the special relationship among Chinese, in a same company, the Chinese co lleges might recognise other colleges family members. Moreover, among mostly family member, probably they know each other as well, especially in small places. In addition, in Chinese culture, when you accept a gift, youd better to open it with your friend, and show your surprise. Generally speaking, you should make your friend know you are like this gift. In my own experience, I always open a gift with my friend, because I think this could your friend and you know each other again. Tong (n.d.) pointed out that certainly, if I didnt like this gift at all, I will use a indirectly way to express my feeling, such as, the package is beautiful. However, in a research reported that when a Japanese give you a gift, youd better do not to open it till Japanese leave. In this case, Japanese shows indirect way, and Chinese present directly. Yao, (2008) figure out that throughout the Japanese history, which had recorded by written, the caste always existed. Although recent years Japan was westernization, but they are still influenced by a deeply hierarchical society. Even if in China, such an ancient civilization country with 5000 history, but this deeply hierarchical condition only met in feudal society and slave society present by Yao in 2008. I think the deeply hierarchy in Japaneses society is one of the reasons of Japanese is a cockerel, even in the peace period. According to the history record, China had a lot of war experience. In the Qing dynasty, the last dynasty in Chinas modern period, I think those emperors thought China was a great country, theyd like to self-sufficiency. Therefore, in that long period, China seems stop to develop, and didnt expand the emperors power too much. Meanwhile, Yao (2008) also make another point that in recent decades, Japanese never stop to develop. I speculate the reason should b e Japanese always feel unsafely. Therefore, in Americans research I found that Japan is a pugnacities nation. In my own experience, when I communicated with Japanese, I can feel their protect concepts is very strong in their mind. Moreover, Japanese as a baby, their parents will give them a strict training, which would keep a distance when parents hug Japanese babies. It is a practice, Japanese babies must hold their parents carefully, and otherwise they will tumble. This practice added a survive idea to children. I think this issue is relevant to the fighting spirit in Japanese nation. However, when a Chinese as a baby, the parents would treat them like a real baby. If they fall over on the floor by themselves, the parents will scold the floor in order to comfort children and stop their crying. Especially, when a boy baby comes to a family, the mothers parents will treat this child as treasure. Although, the boy and girl issue has being reduced in recent years, and in some countrys ide family still have. I think the treat and teach way to child is very important. Moreover, the parents are the first teacher in childrens mind. The parents activities could impact in childrens behaviour and conception in the future. However, if when a baby has a strict survive practise, I think it seems a little bit cruel. I prefer the European countries; the child can grow up naturally. There is not too much pressure to children, but children also have independent ability. I plan to deeply analyse the child issue between Japan and China, because I think this is an important element cause the different culture existed. I have to admire, the average percentage of good manner situation in the public, Japan is higher than China. The ways of educate children might be influence manner deeply. As I said before, most of Chinese parents treat their child as a treasure. Moreover, in recent years, Chinese family adopted one child policy. Therefore, the child is more precious than before. I would like to take my own experience as an example, since I came to UK to study, my mother had being contacted me every two day. Moreover, I have observed Japanese students and Chinese students. Every holiday, the percentage of students back to hometown, the Chinese are much higher than Japanese. I think this situation caused by one child policy. The Chinese parents give more responsibilities than Japanese to their children. And the children should take more responsibilities th an Japanese children as well. By contrast, I have asked my Japanese friends, they said usually in Japans families, they are more than 1 child. Therefore, they grew up with competition. They needed to compete with their brothers or sisters. They are paying attention to keep a good manner anywhere, because they are always in a competition environment. In China between developed city and less developed city or inland city and coastland city, some culture is also has difference. (Tung, 2007) In China, there are a lot of negotiations through dinner to finish. Therefore, drinking culture is a very important skill in many occasions. In many north province citizens, they think drinking can express whether you respect each other. If you only drinking a little, which means you look down upon the other people, you havent bring your sincerity. However, in the south coastland provinces, people can feel you that you have try your best to drink, that is enough. Moreover, when you do a business with coastland cities, you can present more natural way than you communicate with northern people. There are too many restrictions in some north peoples conception. For an instance, Chinese culture on familism, which causes many family do not respect female, especially in north China and some poor place. If a wife bears a girl, she has no position in the family, till a boy bear. However, this situation in developed cities has been changed, both of girl and boy they will treat as equal in family. Contrarily, in some middle class family prefers to have a girl, because they think girl will take care of family better than boy. I have asked my Japanese friends, they said the boy and girl issue is not very serious in the whole country. Certainly, it depends on the level of countries development. I think in the developed countries, the parents would have boy and girl issue concept. Even in nowadays, when people advocate freedom, but Japanese were still restricted by their formal rules. Such as, thanks to an important person, Japanese would give thanks by bowing. And when they meet eldership, they need to kneel down to show their respect. Back to the past 100 years ago, I think Chinese would do the same thing to show their respect. Wu Shu (martial art) is very famous in Japan nowadays, which can prove a fighting spirit. However, I think it can present loyalty spirit among Japanese minds as well. Although, this issue is very important in China, and I think in Chinese young generations this element has been declined. I think this point has the common source, which is the Chinese relationship more complex than Japanese. Moreover, in recent years, China has being kept the high speed growing ratio. In another word, it enhanced the inequity between rich and poor families in China. I think this point also increase the Chinese relation complex level. Therefore, the cases which are betrayed to their friends has being increased as well. It is a society situation. There are age difference causes the culture difference. (Tung, 2007) In China, the young generations would like to absorb western culture. When the Christmas Eve come, young person usually treat this day as a crazy holiday. By contrast, the older generations maybe stay at home as usual. So I think if the manger is a young generation, you can choose the western method to negotiate, because most of young people in China, they can accept western culture, they are also partly westernization in many management theories. Compared to Japan, they had being westernised many years ago. The gap between generations should be closer than China. Lets talk about business issues linked to generations issue. If a western business man chooses traditional Chinese way (indirect communication) to negotiation with young Chinese, maybe will achieve a maximum result with little effort. Moreover, a large percentage young Chinese, and who is a core manager in a company, I think the one has a living abroad experience before, so they know western culture well. Moreover, I think the Japanese organisation culture is interested. In another words, I think Japanese company are very intelligent. I would like to introduce a case study as follows to prove my opinion. Once, Japanese archipelago was hit by the strong typhoon, the disaster come very suddenly. The result of the typhoon happened is a lot of the department store losing the profit. In particular, the disaster influenced a region very seriously which was the main area was engaged in by Yaohan department store. During that time, the situation of vegetable and fruit shortage was very awful. Most of the department store companies which manage the same field made the price of stock in trade increasing dramatically whereas the Yaohan department store keep the original level of price. Compare with other department store, Yaohan did not only keep the level of price, but also try their best to snap up the consumption goods from other regions for satisfying the requirement and demand of customers. Yaohan department store did not make any profit at that moment. Oppositely, it lost number of profit because the bids of those consumptions were much higher than before. The more and more customer began to consume in Yaohan department store when they heard this information. After the typhoon, the produces to the store was return back to the original level, everything seemed to be back to the past. However, some department store are be abandon by the frequently customers whereas Yaohan department store observe those customers. This fact lead the market share of Yaohan department store increased dramatically. Meng Tian(2010) states that most of the Japanese companies focus on the requirement and demand of consumers. Furthermore, the nature disaster to the companies is a good chance to make more profit which contrast with the disaster to the consumers are a good opportunity to test which company are really consumer focused and loyal consumer. In addition, the companies have to work with as long as the consumer needs hardly, no matter decreasing or lose their profit. Therefore, those companies can pass the test to improve their loyalty, and then return for the loyalty of customers. Customer base and market share expansion is a natural thing. In my hometown, there is a famous Japanese retail super market, named Yi Teng Yang Hua Tang. Whether the people come or leave out, the company stuffs need to belt, and say some greeting words. This activities force customers must purchase more than as usual, otherwise, Chinese will feel uncomfortable. In some occasions I think cross-culture management style can be considered universal, such as respect the old and cherish the young. This tradition is popular accepted in such as Korean, Japan and China. If business men want to do business in these countries, theyd better not conflict with this tradition. Perhaps, business men should make use of this kind of traditions to enhance their goodwill. However, I have to admit that most aspects in cross-culture management cannot be treated as universal to consider. They should be separated, and based on the specific condition to analyse. Moreover, there is seldom absolutely standard issue in culture management field.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Humans Cause Climate Change Essay examples -- Global Warming Essays, 20
"Two thousand scientists, in a hundred countries, engaged in the most elaborate, well organized scientific collaboration in the history of humankind, have produced long-since a consensus that we will face a string of terrible catastrophes unless we act to prepare ourselves and deal with the underlying causes of global warming." -- Al Gore Many misinformed people believe that extreme climate change is a natural process; something that human activities have nothing to do with. They cite events such as the Ice Age and believe that these events are part of a natural Earth cycling. Therefore, they happen despite anything that humans do. A common misunderstanding of the climate system characterizes it like a pendulum. The planet will warm up to "cancel out" a previous period of cooling, spurred by some internal equilibrium. This view of the climate is incorrect (Climatesight 1). As the Skeptical Science cited, this perspective implies that the Earth's climate must revolve around an equilibrium. These people believe that because there was an Ice Age, there must be an equal and opposi...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
This Blessed House
For example, In today's society we can clearly see that there are many objects geared towards men that are not geared towards women and vice versa. Earrings is an example of this About half of the United States population wear earrings. From day to day I see men,women, teenagers and even babies wearing them, and it is clear to see that some are made for women and not made for men. The earring itself can be used to define a persons sexuality; wearing certain types of earrings could affect the way society looks at you. The general public is programmed to believe objects are gendered.Without these preconceived beliefs objects would Just be objects and would not be used as a determination of human characteristics. From the readings that were assigned from my Gender Women's Studies class and my personal experiences, I learned that objects can be gendered by color, shape, size, and even texture. This lead me to the conclusion that objects have no meaning until society gives it an irrelevan t and often sexist generalized meaning. Gender can come unexpected at any time in life. The situation is that you have to know how to handle it when it sneaks up on you, like it did me.I went to Walter one day, going to look for a pair of earrings, I was stuck in the isle for a while, contemplating on which pair of earrings I should buy. I was torn between two similar types of earrings. Although they were different prices I was still cautious on Just buying the less expensive pair. One pair were studs that had pink rhinestones on It and It was medium sized, while the other pair was less expensive and was also some studs that were medium sized as well. Pasting back and forth in the isle for almost an hour. I decided to call over a consultant.This person was a male employee I ask him which pair of earrings did he prefer to buy and he said the pair that was the cheapest. I was very stunned that he chose the cheaper pair because those were the ones that had the pink rhinestones embedded in them. Thanking him for his assistance and moving on to ask a female consultant about which pair would she prefer to buy and she pick the pair that looked the best and also the pair that happened to be much more expensive. However, after getting their advice I was still puzzled about which pair to buy because I had gotten two totally different opinions.Deciding not to buy any pair, I went home and thought about why was It so difficult for me to choose a simple pair of earrings. It finally donned on me that men and women were confronted with different obstacles. Men are constrained by things that women are not constrained by and women are constrained Day tongs Tanat men are not constrained Day. History Itself shows this For example, women are expected to be the homemaker and the nurturer in contrast with men who are expected to be the bread winners. Americans have been programmed so well that their beliefs become innate. Its similar to Pavlov's experiment with the salivating dogs. He would ring the bell whenever it was time for the dogs to eat and the dogs became so used to it that they would start to salivate whenever they heard the bell ring because they knew it was time to eat. Humans have been trained the same way. We have been programmed since birth to follow these ideals. Even newborn babies are dressed in either blue or pink blankets to display their gender. Courageousness becomes a sign of femininity and muscularity becomes a sign of masculinity. Humans becomes so well trained that muscular or on-curvaceous women are considered to be unfeminine and less attractive to men.The ideals set by society start to control are beliefs and in turn start to control are actions. While sitting at home I stumbled across a book entitled, Introduction to Women's Studies, written by Internal Grew and Careen Kaplan; it had several articles relating to the roles of men and women in human society. There was an article called â€Å"Gender and Consumption,†composed by Bruce Babcock, and it spoke about how men were the production; the ones who produce the money and the women were the consumption; aid to spend up all the money.There was a part in the article where is stated that â€Å"Production was active, led men earning money, and provided them with some form of power exercised through newly created trade unions, for instance†(329). However, it also implied that â€Å"Consumption was more passive, involved spending money, and did not lead to any publicly recognizable forms of power†(329). After reading this article, it had me thinking about the pair of earrings that I left in Walter It left me with the question of what makes men and women different. Men do not care about assign, but when they do it seems that they are categorized as being gay.In this case the government has manipulated the citizen's minds in society to have them think that certain looks are only for certain types of people. But most times men tend to Just buy what every appeals to them the greatest. This is why the male employee chose the cheap pair of earrings, not because he liked pink, but because they were cheaper. Women on the other hand are expected to like more expensive things, so society would refer to them as â€Å"gold diggers. †A lot of advertisers target women cause they know how to manipulate women into buying the most expensive merchandise.A piece called, â€Å"On Gender and Things,†by Newly Dishonor is located in the Gender Women's Studies reader. What Dishonor expresses in this piece is that â€Å"objects can become gendered because innovators anticipate the preferences, motives, tastes, and skills of the potential users, and the cultural norms in society at large†(Reader:65). Dishonor also implies that, â€Å"due to the norms values that are inscribed into a technical artifact, objects can attribute and delegate specific roles, actions, and responsibilities to their users†(Reader:65).Anot her article in this book, called, â€Å"Woman is an Island,†written by Judith Williamson, sells a product, which is pond's cream cocoa butter, and it is made for women only. This product and the earring is related to one another by directing their viewing to a specific audience. For example, in the text of the article, it says that it is meant Tort women to prove teen wilt n ten smoothest Ana sorest silk ever. As Tort a certain type of earring, like the hoop for example, is meant for women only.Men were not looked at in this case because they are looks as being masculine, which means that it is mandatory for their skin to be so called â€Å"rough. †Well, that is what the government says, and the society Just feeds in on this nonsense. For instance, in the article it states that, â€Å"with colonial economies as with the family, capitalism feeds on different value systems and takes control of them, while nourishing their symbolic differences from itself†(314). This again leads me back to earrings because earring type wore can also be based on culture.I wonder if the consultants at Walter knew that the earrings were gendered and that each pair was meant for a man and a women I believe that things like this often go unnoticed. We often fail to notice the sexism involved in the things we do not even realize we believe in. In this 21st century, femininity and masculinity is greatly support by what the government proclaims. Humans constantly let society define what they believe This can all be seen through a simple pair of earrings. Objects are just objects you ultimately decide what they mean for you; they do not have meaning unless you give them meaning.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Emerging field of nanoscale science, engineering and technology The WritePass Journal
The Emerging field of nanoscale science, engineering and technology 1.0 Introduction The Emerging field of nanoscale science, engineering and technology 1.0 Introduction1.1 History of the Focus Ion Beam (FIB) Technology1.2 Operational Overview1.3 Using Focus Ion Beam Systems 1.4 The Focus Ion Beam Instrument1.41 Ions in Operation1.42 Gallium (Ga+) Ions2.0 Focus Ion Beam System2.1  The Column2.2 Lens System2.3 Generation of Image2.4 Detector, Stage and Gas Injection2.5 Liquid Metal Ion Source (LMIS) 2.5 Milling2.7 Sample Preparation2.8 Imaging3.0 Conclusion Related 1.0 Introduction The Emerging field of nanoscale science, engineering and technology – that is the ability to work at the atomic, molecular and supramolecular levels, to create large structures with fundamentally new properties and functions have lead to an unrivalled understanding and control over basic building blocks of all natural and man-made things [roco]. This rapid advancement has lead to an increased demand for technological development on a nanoscale, which has brought about the birth and improvement of infrastructural changes aimed at representing and observing these features. The world wide focus over this time has been the evolution of methods including SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope), FIB (Focus Ion Beam) etcetera for the detailing of features at the nanoscale. 1.1 History of the Focus Ion Beam (FIB) Technology Focus Ion Beam (FIB) systems have been commercially produced, mostly for manufacturers of large semiconductors for about 20 years []. In 1982, Anazawa et al. produced a 35Kv Ga- source and about three years later Orloff and Sudruad proposed FIB system for implantation and lithography [sudruad], even though as of 1959, Feyman had suggested the use of ion beams []. In 1985, Kato et al. have pointed out the advantages of the FIB technology in the fabrication of sub-micro structures. 1.2 Operational Overview The operation of the FIB are same as that of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), except that the focus ion beam system employs the use of focussed beam of ions instead of beam of electrons utilised in the SEM systems[]. Commercialised nanoscience is limited by availability of tools. Using focussed ion beam system allows specified fabrication and imaging abilities which reduces greatly the characterization cycles and development required in the nano-technological field by scientist. The capabilities within focus ion beam ( FIB) are valued highly for rapid prototyping application. The deposition combination / direct etching of FIB in combination with digitally addressed patterning system allows nano prototyping engine with capabilities that will help researches in nano technology , because the operation of FIB is on both micro and nano scale, it can be used in creating the required structures. FIB has prà ©cised control over deposition and milling parameter and as such, it is the proper tool for creating small structures for nano technology in the top –down approach. It is a highly flexible, mask-less technique which is fast for serial techniques, thus allowing the FIB instrument very efficient for design modifications. Most conventional methods of sample preparation used today in life sciences are compatible with investigations by using FIB. 1.3 Using Focus Ion Beam Systems The direct applicability obtained in using FIB instrument is highly relevant in industrial applications. FIB instrument and its application have contributed immensely to industrial researches carried out in several analysis laboratories For instance in the polymer industry, metallurgy industry, nuclear research etcetera. The ability to image, mill and deposit material by using FIB instrument depends largely on the nature of the ion beam- solid interactions. Milling occurs as a result of physical sputtering of the target. In understanding the mechanism of sputtering we need to consider the interaction between an ion beam and the target. Sputtering usually takes place when there is elastic collision in series when momentum is transferred from the incident ions to the target atoms in the region of collision cascade. Ionization of a portion of the ejected atoms can be collected for mass analysis or image formation. Production of plasmons (in metals), phonons and emission of secondary el ectrons can occur as a result of inelastic scattering. Imaging in the focus ion beam is carried out by detecting the secondary ions/electrons typically, sputtering in focus ion beam processes occurs within energy ranges that are dominated by nuclear energy losses. Focus Ion beam devices are used to scan the surfaces of samples using simple focussed ion beams. The detection of secondary ions allows the processed surface of samples and microscopic images to be observed. The ion beam is generated by using liquid metal ion source (LMIS) when a beam of ion is irradiated on the surface of a specimen by finding the secondary ions with a detector a two dimensional distribution which shows the microscopic images of the surface of the specimen can be observed. 1.4 The Focus Ion Beam Instrument The Operation of the FIB technology uses a similar principle as the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) / TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) but differs in the use of ions and this introduces consequences of enormous magnitude for interaction which occur at the surface of the specimen. Using Focus Ion Beam (FIB) instrument involves two major parameters – penetration of ion into material and the rate of sputtering of ion of the material. When the emitted liquid metal ion source (LMIS) primary ion beam hits the surface of the specimen, it splutters a small amount of material this will leave the specimen surface as either neutral atoms or secondary ions – Secondary beams are also produced using the primary beam. Signals from the sputtered ion or secondary electron are collected to produce an image as the primary beam raster on the specimen surface. Liquid metal ion source (LMIS) development is crucial for the development of Focus Ion Beam (FIB) [] , application of electric field that are very high into a steering quadrupole, octupole deflector, two electrostatic lenses in the column to focus ions in a beam and scan the beam on the specimen. Liquid metal ions source (LMIS) generates ions; these ions are focussed on electrostatic lenses. When specimen surfaces are bombarded using ions that have been extracted from the liquid metal ion source (LMIS) this generates ions, secondary electron and sputtered material and the various generated items serve different purpose in the focus ion beam. At high primary currents a large amount of material can be removed by sputtering thus allowing precision milling of the specimen down to the submicron scale, while less material is removed at low primary beam currents. The use of ions in focus ion beam instruments means that they cannot penetrate with ease individual atoms of the specimen because ions are large. So interaction usually occurs within outer shell interaction which causes chemical band breakage of the substrate atom and atomic ionization. Inner shell electrons of the specimen cannot be reached by an incoming ion. The probability of an interaction with atoms that are within the specimen is much higher because of the large ion size and this result in rapid loss of energy of the ion. This means that the depth of penetration is much lower. It should be noted that the main advantage of the Focus Ion beam is its ability to produce image of the sample after which it mills the sample precisely away from the areas that are selected[ ]. 1.41 Ions in Operation Ions are slower when paired to electrons for the same energy, because they are much heavier as a result Lorenz force is lower, so the use of magnetic lenses is less effective, and as such the focussed ion beam instrument is equipped with electro static lenses. Ions are positive, slow, large and heavy; so the resulting ion beam will remove atoms from the substrate and because the size, beam position and dwell time are well controlled, it can be used in the removal of materials locally in a manner that is highly controlled down to the nanoscale. As a result of the actions due to the ions used in the Focus ion beam instrument, fabrication and imaging functions are derived. The fabrication function occurs due to the sputtering while the imaging function arises due to the ions and secondary electrons. 1.42 Gallium (Ga+) Ions The gallium ions are used in the focus ion beam (FIB) instruments for the following reasons [fei]; Due to its surface potential it exhibits very high brightness, the tip sharpness, the flow properties of the gun and the gun construction which results in field emission and ionization. This is an important result for the focussed ion beam. It should be noted that whatever chosen material should be ionized before the formation of the beam and then accelerated. The element Gallium is metallic and because of its low melting temperature is a very convenient material for compact gun construction with limited heating. Gallium is the centre of the periodic table and exhibits an optimal momentum transfer capability for a wide range of materials, lithium which is a higher element will not be sufficient in milling of heavier elements. Gallium element has low analytical interference 2.0 Focus Ion Beam System In the figure below, the FEJ 200 series type F113 of the FIB system is represented. In the figure are the various components of the system which includes the column, the specimen chamber and the detector; 2.1  The Column This is situated above the specimen chambers. It is made up of two electrostatic lenses, a set of beam blanking plates, liquid metal ion source (LMIS), a beam acceptance aperture, steering quadrupole, beam defining aperture and an octupole deflector. 2.2 Lens System Coming from the source, the beam goes through a beam acceptance aperture after which it goes into the first lens. Above the beam- defining aperture (BDA), the quadrapole adjust the position of the beam in a manner as to allow the beam move through the center of the beam-defining aperture (BDA). The beam is aligned to the optical axis of the second lens’ quadrapole. Beam astigmatism correction, shift and scanning is provided by the octupole which is positioned below the second lens. Between the second lens assembly and the second lenses steering quadrapole we have the beam blanking assembly. This is made up of aperture and electrical path and blanking plates. Beam blanking provides specimens with protections against constant milling. 2.3 Generation of Image The primary beam is scanned as a raster across the specimen and it is made up of lines in vertical axis (shifted slightly from one another) and lies in the horizontal (in series). With scanning of the beam over the specimen the secondary ions and the secondary electrons that are generated by the specimen are detected. Details of this information are stored in the computer and images are produced from these information. 2.4 Detector, Stage and Gas Injection Control of rotation and X and Y axis is performed by software and it can be tilted to the XY plane manually. Gases of two types are evolved above the surface of the specimen at about 100 µm of distance. One of these gases is used for platinum deposition and the other for enhanced etch. During bombardment of ion in milling, species that are charged are formed and they are attracted to the detector. A glass of millions of arrays of minute channel electron multiplier is the detector; it is a micro channel plate (MCP). 2.5 Liquid Metal Ion Source (LMIS) LMIS is made of a needle emitter which has an end radius of 1 10 µm. It is coated with high surface tension metal which at its melting point has a low vapour pressure. This emitter is subjected to heating till the melting point of the metal is attained. A positive high voltage is placed on it. Using the balance between the surface tension forces and the electrostatic the liquid metal is drawn into a conical shape. The source that is commonly used is Gallium []. 2.5 Milling By using the scan control system, polygons, circles and lines can be milled. The table below represents the different beam currents and their corresponding milling spot sizes. The figure below gives us the pixel size and milling spot size and the beam overlap. The overlap can be expressed as the overlapped area where the beam moves from a position to the other. And the time where the beam remains in a position is known as the dwell time.  2.7 Sample Preparation The three main strategies used in the focus ion beam sample preparation of specimen that will be inspected using TEM are: Ex situ lift-out (EXLO) preparation (Centre Image), H-Bar sample preparation (Left image) and In Situ lift-out (INLO) preparation (Right image) [] 2.8 Imaging When ion beam is scanned on the surface of the specimen, it causes ions and electrons to be ejected. After scanning through the surface of the specimen the primary Gallium ion penetrate into the surface of the specimen. The depth of the penetration varies from one material to the other. The secondary electron yield is much higher than secondary ion yield during ion milling and thus is the reason why focus ion beam is usually used in the secondary electron mode. Secondary ions and secondary electrons are obtained within regions that are closer the surface of the specimen. 3.0 Conclusion In their work on the future of focus ion beam, the ORSAYPHYSICS group has shown that field of focus ion beam is open to expansion. Their projections with regards the extent to which focus ion beam can be deployed is shown in the figure below: Fig.   Current and Future FIB Technologies Source: The use of FIB has been developed extensively over the years in applications like super conductor, field emission device, accelerometer etcetera. Armed with imaging capability of high resolution as its recently upgraded technologies, the focus ion beam (FIB) instrument is indeed technology that is providing solutions to problems that has been previously unresolved. This heralds the focus ion beam (FIB) instrument as an important device for the future in the nano science, technology and engineering environment.
Monday, October 21, 2019
You Cant kill hope essays
You Can't kill hope essays A Fire You Cant Put Out, by Andrew Manis, is a very detailed biography of Fred Shuttlesworth. The book highlights many events that took place during the Civil Rights movement and Shuttlesworths fight against segregation. The most significant issue presented, in my opinion, is Shuttlesworths strong-willed personality, which drove him to fight for a cause that he was willing to die for. Fred, raised in a family as the oldest child, learned at an early age that he had to be strong like his mother Alberta. The situations and people who surrounded him shaped Freds personality. In his early adult life he converted to the Baptist denomination and realized his true dream was to become a preacher. His strong religious beliefs and combative personality made him a very successful minister. Fred would fight to integrate Birminghams buses, schools, lunch counters, police force, and parks. During his adulthood, he battled segregation and would nearly be killed three times. The evidence that Fred would grow up to be a man with a combative personality with an authoritarian style was illustrated in his early years. Being the oldest child in a family of nine children, Fred had many responsibilities. The Shuttlesworth family was poor and lived in a house with no electrical power and no running water. The family experienced many hard times, which built an essential toughness into Fred. He was in charge of making sure all the chores were done before their mother got home. He knew that his mother had a no-nonsense attitude, when it involved home chores. If the chores did not get done, Fred knew that he and his siblings would be disciplined. The authoritarian style his mother showed when dealing with the children would be the same style Fred would take on in his pastoral and civil rights work. Along with a rough home environment, Freds mother and stepfathers relationship was very turbulent. Fred, along with his brother...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Countries of Central America and the Caribbean
Countries of Central America and the Caribbean Central America is a region at the center of the two of the American continents. It fully lies in a tropical climate and has savanna, rainforest, and mountainous regions. Geographically, it represents the southernmost part of the North American continent and it contains an isthmus that connects North America to South America. Panama is the border between the two continents. At its narrowest point, the isthmus stretches only 30 miles (50 km)Â wide. The mainland portion of the region consists of seven different countries, but 13 nations in the Caribbean are also normally counted as a part of Central America. Central America shares borders with Mexico to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the west, Colombia to the south and the Caribbean Sea to the east. The region is considered part of the developing world, which means it has issues in poverty, education, transportation, communications, infrastructure, and/or access to health care for its residents.The following is a list of the countries of Central America and the Caribbean arranged by area. For reference the countries on the mainland portion of Central America are marked with an asterisk (*). The 2017 population estimates and capitals of each country have also been included. All information was obtained from the CIA World Factbook. Central America and the CaribbeanCountries Nicaragua*Area: 50,336 square miles (130,370 sq km)Population:Â 6,025,951Capital: ManaguaHonduras*Area: 43,278 square miles (112,090 sq km)Population:Â 9,038,741Capital: TegucigalpaCubaArea: 42,803 square miles (110,860 sq km)Population:Â 11,147,407Capital: HavanaGuatemala*Area: 42,042 square miles (108,889 sq km)Population:Â 15,460,732Capital: Guatemala CityPanama*Area: 29,119 square miles (75,420 sq km)Population:Â 3,753,142Capital: Panama CityCosta Rica*Area: 19,730 square miles (51,100 sq km)Population:Â 4,930,258Capital: San JoseDominican RepublicArea: 18,791 square miles (48,670 sq km)Population:Â 10,734,247Capital: Santo DomingoHaitiArea: 10,714 square miles (27,750 sq km)Population:Â 10,646,714Capital: Port au PrinceBelize*Area: 8,867 square miles (22,966 sq km)Population:Â 360,346Capital: BelmopanEl Salvador*Area: 8,124 square miles (21,041 sq km)Population:Â 6,172,011Capital: San SalvadorThe BahamasArea: 5,359 square miles (13,880 sq km)Population:Â 32 9,988Capital: NassauJamaicaArea: 4,243 square miles (10,991 sq km)Population:Â 2,990,561Capital: KingstonTrinidad and TobagoArea: 1,980 square miles (5,128 sq km)Population:Â 1,218,208Capital: Port of SpainDominicaArea: 290 square miles (751 sq km)Population:Â 73,897Capital: RoseauSaint LuciaArea: 237 square miles (616 sq km)Population:Â 164,994Capital: Castries Antigua and BarbudaArea: 170 square miles (442.6 sq km)Antigua area: 108 square miles (280Â sq km); Barbuda: 62 square miles (161Â sq km);Â Redonda: .61 square miles (1.6 sq km)Population:Â 94,731Capital: Saint Johns BarbadosArea: 166 square miles (430 sq km)Population:Â 292,336Capital: BridgetownSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesArea: 150 square miles (389 sq km)Â Saint Vincent area: 133 square miles (344 sq km)Population:Â 102,089Capital: KingstownGrenadaArea: 133 square miles (344 sq km)Population:Â 111,724Capital: Saint GeorgesSaint Kitts and NevisArea: 101 square miles (261 sq km)Saint Kitts area: 65 square miles (168 sq km); Nevis:Â 36 square miles (93 sq km)Population:Â 52,715Capital: Basseterre
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The evolution of the Humanitarian Intervention doctrine with a focus Dissertation
The evolution of the Humanitarian Intervention doctrine with a focus on the most important developments of post 90's - Dissertation Example No, doubt the notion for HI has received some flash light in recent years but the inclination trend has been notifies only among western countries while G-77 which consists of 133 states and among them 122 states have rejected the doctrine of humanitarian intervention. Endorsing humanitarian intervention has been controversial only due to the lack of consensus and willingness about the legitimacy and legality of this doctrine which has contained HI doctrine. Regarding the practice of Humanitarian Intervention during 1990s in Iraq, Haiti, Rwanda Bosnia, Chechnya and Somalia showered the interests and willingness of Security Council to sanction Chapter VII of the UN Charter for enforcing operations in reaction to interior conflicts and human rights abuses but in purview of disorder to international peace and security and yet the authorization and legitimacy remained in function of the authorization from SC and use of force was called justified and legal. However, this harmony among per manent member states of the Security Council does not represent the voice of the global community. Although this harmonization among permanent member states was apparently dissipated during the crisis when China and Russia showed intentions for rejection of the resolution for humanitarian intervention which later was conducted by NATO without any authorization from the Council. This illustration of use of force against the norms of the International Law provoked another frenzied debate about whether this unilateral military action was symptomatic of the legality of humanitarian interventions which has not been authorized by the Security Council. Undeniably, the Kosovo intrusion was questionable which aggravated the present niggle with this regime because it was inimitable and it raised the problems of the legitimacy while some analysts asserted that this use of force against humanitarian violence was a new emerging norm and custom of International Law by which states practice use of force to eliminate human rights violations , on the other hand some scholars simply admitted the fact that this humanitarian intervention can gradually be accepted as legal and justified practice because considering the sufferings of Albanians it can be sanctioned as legitimate. 25 Humanitarian intervention in Kosovo soon became the renowned action of NATO against human rights violations, which then ended up with Independent International Commission on Kosovo (IICK) . No doubt that under the Article 51 and Article 52 of United Nations states that the ultimate legitimacy of any humanitarian intervention rests within the powers of Security Council. The purpose of this commission was to inquire the legitimacy of NATO’s intervention and analyse the implications of this intervention whether it can be declared legitimate or NATO’s actions require further punishment for its violation of UN Charter. Although the intervention was declared illegal but appropriate in accordance with International Law. However the Commission’s definition of legality turned seemingly narrow and irrespective of its illegalities, the commission focused exclusively on the moral and ethical aspects besides respecting the preferences of super power USA under whose
Friday, October 18, 2019
Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry Term Paper
Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry - Term Paper Example The more surprising aspect is that the service industries like for e.g. hotels depend much more than manufacturing industries on their human capital for the quality of service being delivered by the intangible interface between the staff (the service provider) and the customer. The reason for this could be that the ‘services sector’ is not homogeneous and includes such diversified industries and services like banking, business services, catering, distribution, finance, insurance, leasing, hotels, and transport etc. In addition to this, it is estimated that sixty-five to seventy-five percent of work in the manufacturing industries also relates to ‘services’. However, the services provided by different industries are different in content and nature and for the reason cannot be dealt with as a general proposition. For example, the hotel industry is seasonal unlike many others listed above. The hotel industry is characterized by ad hoc management, lack of trade unionism and high labor turnover. (Hoque 1999a 4)The quality of human resources could well be the differentiator that can lend a competitive edge to the industry. The reputation that a hotel earns for its quality of service, is difficult for its competitors to replicate. The core philosophy of human resource management is that employee commitment enhances employe... sen sums up the key objectives for pursuing strategic HRM in the hotel industry as follows: it must focus on both activities generating value for the company and optimizing HRM costs at the same time (value contribution); it must develop, promote and retain human capital to suit the company's strategic objectives (aligni ng human capital with strategic objectives); and it must anticipate and support change initiatives with necessary processes, methods, and instruments for a smooth transition (managing change). Hoque cites other researchers like Guest (1987) and Beer et al., (1985) to argue that employees' commitment makes them more satisfied, productive, adaptable, willing to accept organizational goals and values, and not mind to 'stretch' themselves to meet organizational goals. Â
Typologies of terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Typologies of terrorism - Essay Example dent took place in April 1999 where an attack by 2 students at Denver, Colorado, resulted in the deaths of 15, while more than 20 people were wounded. This qualifies as a terroristic act as innocent civilians died, it was as a resultant of a stereotypical ideological goal and meant to create fear on the targets. The type of terrorism involved in the two terrorist acts mentioned above according to the definition by Malisow (2008) was state terrorism. This is so because the terroristic actions were directed towards the members of different country or even origin other than United States of America. The first terroristic act for example was directed towards Pakistan government by the United States government whereas in the second terrorist act, it was directed towards students who are different from the â€Å"normal†citizen of the United States (this was so because it was directed towards blacks and Hispanics by two students who were presumed to be white
Personal Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Personal Knowledge - Essay Example This then directs me to the investigation of epistemology itself, how do people react and pay attention to music, how do listeners perceive sound out of it It seems that, they need to cling to certain metaphors, to 'mentality'; they will feel stuck if they can't perceive a green garden, and a blued-sky or something relevant to that. Using implicit consideration that a year ago I attended an opera which featured a well known singer, say understanding how to play music persuasively so far not being proficient to amply illustrate my 'knowledge' of it, I came to react like 'our musical bands are poor and irrational'. They played music over their pa systems whose frequencies are mostly consistent with their power fields, and are in fact upsetting for persons that are not accustomed to it. Various frequencies create various emotions. I know sometimes music genres - rock and pop - in fact make me ill if I am rendering to them for considerable period of time. I had left that opera. It so gives me the impression that something is off-center with this particular situation - either widely heard music is beyond phase with, or completely hearing-impaired to, listener's anticipation or the listeners had plunged into a sort of easy listening habit. Exemptions allowable on both of these choices, I think 'clued-up music' is in general easy-to-get-to the population, given this public is equipped maintaining an ultimate preliminary shock, since there certainly exists an interval between the overall styles, methods and artistic grounds of the melody we are caused to experience in our routine life and those of this era's. Music skills can only be unintelligibly known, that is to say, they can come what may understood perfectly and even if our faith may comprehend the relation of their elements we have convolution in telling these relations through our aptitude to communicate, i.e. 'clear-cut language' (Michael Polanyi 1998). It is irrefutable that these day's erudite music isn't that much easy to discern and comprehend, comprising the extensive demands for music, not to point out that of the more genres, and the relatively scanty interest of the music listeners. Moreover, it is usually worded as excessively difficult and tightly-packed without rationalisation. Is this a symptom of our times Without a doubt, our times are those of a 'speedy being', spilling over with every day concerns, that does not nurse anything that adds more trouble to its maze-like pace. According to Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001), "music is not simply a language. Every piece is resembling a hard rock, with myriad ruts and sliced with depictions on the surface and underneath, which people make sense of and understand in a thousand diverse ways, none of them being the most excellent nor the truest". And, he continued, "The actual disaster will be if, as new composers rummage around for diverse and probably more 'classical' forms of look and production, the confused voices of an previous originality are covered up" (Arnold Whittall). This made me absolutely lay down my arms on that widely-established idea that music is a worldwide language, understood at once and perceivable by every person. Furthermore, I'd say that it is incorrect to consider that music is for all and sundry or, in other words, that a 'music composition' is always made up with consensus in mentality, every person gathering a similar accepting from hearing it. I take from this that the 'positive reception' of a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Time - Essay Example There is truth in what other people say that there seems to be a lump inside one’s chest which is heavy and burdensome and one slowly awaits for this heavy load to be lifted. If this moment would be expressed visually in artwork, one could foresee an interplay of artistic elements that would effectively capture one’s situation to include effective use of colors, shadows, hues, as well as creative style that utilizes applications of space and distance. For instance, since the environment or background is oblivious to the subject, there would be predominance in hues of grey or dark and matte colors. At the focal point would be the subject being interpreted in a challenging and trying scenario, seen visually in contoured image or through clear facial expression of exemplifying worry, anxiety, depression, loneliness and fear. At the same token, the visual design could include an element of hope in a far distant corner, which therefore needs effective use of distance and space, through shading and including a bright yellow or gold color to depict seeing resolution to the problem somewhere in the near
Comparative Post Disaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Comparative Post Disaster - Essay Example As the paper stresses disasters although are not the norm and the usual occurrence but they are very much part of our lives. The degree and types of disasters vary. Some are natural disasters which cannot be avoided but some only occur due to our mistakes and can be avoided. Disaster is a phenomenon that can be natural or man-made and can be disastrous especially if no preventive measures are taken. As the report highlights disaster management is the strategy and methodology employed when any catastrophe or disaster takes place. This disaster recovery process can be initiated when anything threatens to disrupt the normal course of events and the human life is at stake. Governments at different levels and even some businesses develop their disaster management plan to overcome any disastrous event and resume routine work. On 11th Dec 2005 there were explosions measuring 2.4 on Richter scale, in the oil storage depot of Buncefield, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. The first explosion was massive accompanied by a large fire that engulfed a high proportion of the site. Although there were no fatalities but 40 people got injured. Damage was not only restricted to the oil depot but many neighboring residential and commercial buildings were damaged. The fire and the emitting black clouds could be seen for several days. It was Britain’s most costly industrial disaster. St. Albanâ⠂¬â„¢s Crown Court gave its verdict in July 2010 and five companies after being found guilty were fined  £ 9.5 million.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Personal Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Personal Knowledge - Essay Example This then directs me to the investigation of epistemology itself, how do people react and pay attention to music, how do listeners perceive sound out of it It seems that, they need to cling to certain metaphors, to 'mentality'; they will feel stuck if they can't perceive a green garden, and a blued-sky or something relevant to that. Using implicit consideration that a year ago I attended an opera which featured a well known singer, say understanding how to play music persuasively so far not being proficient to amply illustrate my 'knowledge' of it, I came to react like 'our musical bands are poor and irrational'. They played music over their pa systems whose frequencies are mostly consistent with their power fields, and are in fact upsetting for persons that are not accustomed to it. Various frequencies create various emotions. I know sometimes music genres - rock and pop - in fact make me ill if I am rendering to them for considerable period of time. I had left that opera. It so gives me the impression that something is off-center with this particular situation - either widely heard music is beyond phase with, or completely hearing-impaired to, listener's anticipation or the listeners had plunged into a sort of easy listening habit. Exemptions allowable on both of these choices, I think 'clued-up music' is in general easy-to-get-to the population, given this public is equipped maintaining an ultimate preliminary shock, since there certainly exists an interval between the overall styles, methods and artistic grounds of the melody we are caused to experience in our routine life and those of this era's. Music skills can only be unintelligibly known, that is to say, they can come what may understood perfectly and even if our faith may comprehend the relation of their elements we have convolution in telling these relations through our aptitude to communicate, i.e. 'clear-cut language' (Michael Polanyi 1998). It is irrefutable that these day's erudite music isn't that much easy to discern and comprehend, comprising the extensive demands for music, not to point out that of the more genres, and the relatively scanty interest of the music listeners. Moreover, it is usually worded as excessively difficult and tightly-packed without rationalisation. Is this a symptom of our times Without a doubt, our times are those of a 'speedy being', spilling over with every day concerns, that does not nurse anything that adds more trouble to its maze-like pace. According to Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001), "music is not simply a language. Every piece is resembling a hard rock, with myriad ruts and sliced with depictions on the surface and underneath, which people make sense of and understand in a thousand diverse ways, none of them being the most excellent nor the truest". And, he continued, "The actual disaster will be if, as new composers rummage around for diverse and probably more 'classical' forms of look and production, the confused voices of an previous originality are covered up" (Arnold Whittall). This made me absolutely lay down my arms on that widely-established idea that music is a worldwide language, understood at once and perceivable by every person. Furthermore, I'd say that it is incorrect to consider that music is for all and sundry or, in other words, that a 'music composition' is always made up with consensus in mentality, every person gathering a similar accepting from hearing it. I take from this that the 'positive reception' of a
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Comparative Post Disaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Comparative Post Disaster - Essay Example As the paper stresses disasters although are not the norm and the usual occurrence but they are very much part of our lives. The degree and types of disasters vary. Some are natural disasters which cannot be avoided but some only occur due to our mistakes and can be avoided. Disaster is a phenomenon that can be natural or man-made and can be disastrous especially if no preventive measures are taken. As the report highlights disaster management is the strategy and methodology employed when any catastrophe or disaster takes place. This disaster recovery process can be initiated when anything threatens to disrupt the normal course of events and the human life is at stake. Governments at different levels and even some businesses develop their disaster management plan to overcome any disastrous event and resume routine work. On 11th Dec 2005 there were explosions measuring 2.4 on Richter scale, in the oil storage depot of Buncefield, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. The first explosion was massive accompanied by a large fire that engulfed a high proportion of the site. Although there were no fatalities but 40 people got injured. Damage was not only restricted to the oil depot but many neighboring residential and commercial buildings were damaged. The fire and the emitting black clouds could be seen for several days. It was Britain’s most costly industrial disaster. St. Albanâ⠂¬â„¢s Crown Court gave its verdict in July 2010 and five companies after being found guilty were fined  £ 9.5 million.
Environmental Impact of Prescribed burning in the United States Essay Example for Free
Environmental Impact of Prescribed burning in the United States Essay The term prescribed burning refers to a management practice in which fire is used to burn a predetermined area under specified environmental conditions. Burning in this case is used as a management tool in areas that are vulnerable to catching fire due to the ground cover that acts as fuel load. In addition, burning is considered to be the most environmentally friendly and cheapest method of having woody growth in an ecosystem controlled. Prescribed burning in the United States is common. In this form of burning, controlled fires are used to burn a specified land area after proper planning which ensures that the present weather conditions are favorable for the burning. When weather conditions are not suitable for the burn, negative impact of the fire in the burnt areas is likely to be witnessed (Dale et al, 2009). In the United States, prescribed burning is considered to be a very important management tool due to the benefits associated with it. Both the landowners and the United States National Forest System have been using prescribed burning for many years. According to the United States fire policy in relation to the forest ecosystem, there is need to undertake prescribed burning in order to enhance the growth of commercial forests, prevent wildfire damage and to enhance fire dependent ecosystems. However, prescribed burning has been criticized for its negative impact on the environment. For instance, prescribed burning results to the clearing of land or use of land for agricultural activities that have negative effects on the environment. In this paper, the impact of prescribed burning on the environment in the United States will be discussed. The paper will focus on the effect of prescribed burning on land after it is cleared by prescribed fires. Land clearing that results from the burning impacts negatively on the vegetation, soil, water and biodiversity. Thesis In the United States prescribed burning is made necessary by the conditions in the forest ecosystems or ranches. The burning aims at preventing wildfires that can damage properly or lead to death of the people if the fuel load on the ground encourages wild fires. In addition, the United States national forest system undertakes prescribed burning activities due to the ecological benefits that burning gives to the forests. The national forest system associates prescribed burning to the reduction of wildfire hazards, land improvement, game habitat enhancement, insect and disease management and site preparation for reforestation (Biswell, 1999). Examples of areas that have undergone prescribed burning activities include the California wild lands, Florida Flatwoods and the Southern eastern US National Forest. It is important to realize that although prescribed burning in these areas has its benefits to the ecosystem and the people; it also impacts negatively on the environment over time. Negative environmental impact of prescribed burning occurs despite the fact that prescribed burning is planned in a manner that minimizes negative effects of burning on the environment. This has made the issue of prescribed burning to become a subject of debate in the country .While some consider prescribed burning to reduce negative impact of wild fires on the environment, burning can also impact negatively on the environment. Land clearing that result from the burning has negative effect on the environment. Discussion Negative impact of Prescribed burning on vegetation after clearing of land Prescribed burning results to the clearing of land in a predetermined area as the fire burns the fuel load. The burning has both indirect and direct negative effects after land clearing by the fire. Land clearing in turn has negative effects on the vegetation, water, soil and wildlife. The negative impact of prescribed burning in the United States has been witnessed in some areas because prescribed burning has become a very important activity in the country. Every year, hundreds of thousands of hectares are burned. Although various methods of burning are used burn the vegetation cover in the predetermined areas, fires destroy the existing vegetation by either injuring or killing the entire plant or parts of the plant. This depends on the duration that the fire burns or the intensity of the fire. Prescribed burning based on the slash reduction method results to the reduction of debris. This method is also used to reduce debris in case of a natural event or road construction. When management ignited fire is used, the burning of a stand that has been established is done while ensuring that fire does not spread beyond the predetermined area. While small trees are completely burned during the burning, larger trees may survive the fires but some of their trees may be destroyed. When fires are ignited, the burning forest fuels increase the temperatures which make it difficult for the vegetation to survive. Since when it comes to burning the temperature of the vegetation and that of the air are very important, people who have the responsibility to ignite fires should do it when the air and vegetation temperatures cannot encourage fires that can have adverse effects on the environment. For instance, prescribed fires in the United States during winter top kill the hard woods while hardwood rootstocks are killed by summer burns. In areas where burning has not been done for a longtime, deep organic layer that accumulates during prescribed burning leads to the cambial damage of trees. Because only little heat is required to destroy the plant cells in growing plants, burning the vegetation kills growing plants. This leads to the short and long term destruction of the vegetation which over time exposes land to changes that impact negatively on the good conditions of the environment. One short term and long term impact of prescribed burning in the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National parks in the United States is the change in species composition (Mary Berth, 2000). This change alters proper functioning of the ecosystem since it leads to the growth of new species while those that earlier existed and are not tolerant to fire before the fire fail to regenerate. These two parks are located in California’s South Nevada areas. The parks cover about 864, 383 acres of land and prescribed burning in these two parks was made necessary by the desire to initiate ecological benefits in the parks. The two parks prescribed fire programs were developed in 1969 and continues to be implemented in order to reduce fuel hazard problem that may result from heavy surface fuel loads. Though the fires have been used to reduce the damage that may result from severe wild fires, change in species composition due to the clearing of land by fires has over the years been witnessed in the parks. Fires have limited the growth of species that are not tolerant to the fire ignited over a long time. For instance, the increase in relative density of the giant Sequoia due to prescribed fires over a long time has altered the growth and survival of some other plant species. The successful fire regimes restoration in the parks has encouraged the regeneration of the species that are fire-adapted at the expense of the species that are less-adapted to fire. The reduction of fuel load and the restoration of forest structure after the fires alter the number and pattern of growth of plant species. The parks have conifer forests dominated by the sequoia species. The change in the species number in a forest ecosystem affects the proper functioning of the natural ecosystem and this may lead to bare ground and soil erosion when plants and animals that promote proper functioning of the ecosystem are eliminated from the environment. In ecologically sensitive habitats in the United States, prescribed fires have had adverse effects on the regeneration and survival of plant species. For example, the riparian areas in a forest system. A study carried out to determine the effect of prescribed fire on the riparian areas in the Dark Canyon area showed that the fire consumed 90 per cent of the ground fuel, 79 per cent of the riparian zone pre-fire fuel, and 34 per cent of the total surface fuel. The fire significantly reduced the percentage cover of the surface vegetation (Beche et al, 2005). As compared to the unburned areas, the burned area showed a change in the plant taxa richness after the regeneration of vegetation. The reduction in plant taxa cover and richness changed the under story riparian vegetation community composition. These changes show that when an area experiences prescribed burning for a long time, disappearance of some species can lead to reduction in the percentage of vegetative cover. In the California Oak woodlands, the Native Americans used fire to have the Oak woodland vegetation altered. Prescribed fires are considered to reduce the under story woody vegetation and have the tree density is lowered. After the fires, regeneration may result to growth of vegetation in patches. Since the settlement of Euro-Americans in the area, prescribed fire ignited in an ecosystem to create land for livestock ranches has removed the vegetation cover and instead encouraging the growth of plant species that are good for forage production. The woody vegetation in the area has been affected.Eventually, reduced vegetation cover has made it easy for soil to be exposed to either wind or rain erosion.Prescribed fires in Oregon’s Mixed – conifer forests of Crater Lake over the years have altered species composition by killing species that are not fire resistant while providing favorable conditions for the regeneration of fire-resistant species (Agee, 2003). The Crater Lake National park has in the past prescribed a fire program that aims at increasing growth of pine trees and killing of the white fir tree species in the park. Natural ecosystems can undergo succession to form forests that are dominated by the hardwood. The southeast region in the United States is considered to be the most fire dependent area in the country. The removal of fuel loads in burned areas impacts negatively on the environment when over time plant species that support proper functioning of an ecosystem are eliminated. This makes an ecosystem to be vulnerable to changes that have adverse effects on the environment.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Teaching Compound Nouns In The Classroom English Language Essay
Teaching Compound Nouns In The Classroom English Language Essay This essay will discuss the way of teaching particular compound nouns in the classroom through the context of Libyan classes. The first part of the essay deals with the learners and the learning context in Libya. The second one is about the analysis and arguments of the lexical set of compound nouns according to their use, form and meaning. Part three describes the approach that has been used in the teaching procedure within the Libyan context. The last part of this essay shows some errors and feedback and suggested corrections and suggested methods for improvement in proficiency. The lesson plan and materials used to teach the classes have been attached as appendices outside the main body of the essay. A brief profile of the learners and the learning context: The students in the class are aged between 14 and 17 years and they study in a private school in Libya. Their English language proficiency level is intermediate. They study English as a second language for four classes in a week with each class being about 35 minutes in duration. The students native language is Arabic and the class is monolingual. The students started studying English at the age of around eight in primary school. English is considered a second language in Libya; although it is a compulsory part of the educational curriculum. The English syllabus material in this level corresponds fairly closely to that of the degree in New Headway courses, but there is a wider choice of classes during the week. In addition, students are sometimes required to study other supplementary material in English in order to acquire optimum language skills. Analysis of the language point for this essay: The topic of this paper is about teaching concept and lexical uses of compound nouns. The word compound has several meanings in the English language. A compound is a combination of two words or more to form a new word with a different meaning: Compounds may be classified into three types; compound nouns such as toothpaste, compound verbs such as spin-dry, and compound adjectives which are usually hyphenated such as long-haired. Most compound nouns in English are formed by nouns modified by other nouns or adjectives. Sometimes the two words are joined together (e.g. tooth + paste = toothpaste), or they are joined using a hyphen (e.g. check-in), and sometimes they appear as two separate words (e.g. full moon). The language point that will be highlighted in this essay is the teaching of compound nouns. Compound nouns consist of two or more words combined together to form a new word with a different meaning. Graver (1986) points out that compound noun can be created like phrasal verbs by adding an adverb + verb; for example, outcome, takeaway and inlet. He says that there are two different ways to compound these elements. One of these ways is to place the verb and the particle in reverse order to form a compound noun or verb. For example, take over changed to overtake (verb), and put out to output (noun). Generally, to compound two words or more is a productive process in terms of word-formation (Schmitt McCarthy, 1997). Compound nouns can be written as one word, e.g. policeman; as two words joined together by a hyphen, e.g. easy-chair or as two separate words, e.g. air space. Compound nouns are usually made up of two parts, the first part tells us about the object or person or what the purpose of the object is, simply put the first part answers the question what is the purpose or what type it is? The second part tells us what or who the object is. For instance, in the word policeman, the second part of the compound noun tells us what or who the object is, in this case its man and the first part then identifies what kind of a man this noun is, so we know that he is a police man. A list of examples and a related practice exercise is added in appendix 2 for the purpose of giving the students some practical experience of joining words to form compound nouns. Explanation and description of the teaching approach in this context: The needs and the level of the students have been taken into consideration, and the method is suitable to their abilities and communicative style. Harmer (2007) says that students should be exposed amply to the language in use, in order to improve their skills and knowledge so that they are able to interact efficiently in real situations. Advocates of Task-Based Learning (TBL) approach argue that learners must learn the target language to be able to express themselves and be understood. Engaging in real language situations is one of most effective ways of learning the target language. To make the class interactive and allow for more student interaction the teacher encourages the students to interact in the most natural possible ways. How does one normally use language? We use language in a number of ways: to respond to questions, to explain or describe things, to ask questions, to tell stories, to talk about events and for many other purposes. So to reduce teacher-talk-time and allow more student interaction a task-based approach has been adopted here. A task-based lesson usually has a preparation and planning stage called the pre-task; then the task phase is followed by a post-task phase where the teacher facilitates discussions and the students can practice their skills. Pre-task activity involves eliciting some examples of compound nouns to make the students understand what a compound noun is. Teachers can use teaching aids like hand-outs, texts, flash cards, audio-visual materials etc. so that students can familiarize themselves with the concepts learnt. The teacher can then elicit information from the students pertaining to the text or audio/visual clip provided. The elicited compound nouns are collated and written on the board. The learners are asked to recognize and specify them in the text and to use these compound nouns in suitable sentences of their own in the in-task activity. Students work in pairs to come up with some compound nouns related to the task, and then each student in the class is asked to suggest another different compound noun and try to pronounce it correctly. In the post-task stage, students are asked to practice what they have been taught and to be more fluent. The students are engaged in activities where the whole class is expected to participate. The activity uses a set of compound nouns and utilizes these words in sentences in real life contexts. The teacher facilitates small group discussions, question-answer sessions, pop-quizzes, individual or pair work so that the students have ample opportunity to practice the newly learnt compound words in varied contexts. The teacher supervises the discussions and moves around the class and corrects mistakes wherever necessary. Some expected errors and feedback from teacher with suggestions for improvement: Non-native English speakers like the Arab students of this class may confuse or misuse lexical terms particularly complex ones like compound nouns. This confusion can occur especially for speakers of Arabic because of the influence of their mother tongue, which has a different grammatical structure from English. For example, truck driver is the right form of the English compound noun referring to a person who drives a truck. However, due to grammatical composition in Arabic the name of the doer (object) driver is placed before the name of the machine (purpose) truck which will make the word driver truck and will not convey the same meaning as truck driver. Another difference between English and Arabic is that Arabic does not have hyphenated words like break-out or passer-by and the students may be confused when they see or hear this pattern until they become familiar with it. To overcome such situations, the teacher needs to spend a significant amount of time in designing activities like role-plays, story-telling and use audio-visual clips that will help minimize language barriers and reinforce the positive learning outcomes. To be able to develop fluency and a moderately grasp of the language, learners must use every opportunity outside the class to practice their skills. The more they use the language in multiple contexts the more chances will they get of receiving feedback and have the opportunity to rectify their mistakes and learn to adapt themselves to the lexical and grammatical differences between their native tongue and the target language. Pica (1992 1994, cited in Ellis 2004) suggests that negotiation provides learners with feedback on their own use of the target language. When more competent interlocutors respond to less competent speakers they frequently reformulate their statements according to the proficiency of the listener. Conclusion: The objective of teaching English as second language to non-native speakers is to be able to help students to reach a fair level of competency in the target language so that they are able to make sense of lexical and grammatical structures and concepts that may be different from their native tongue. Exposure to the target language is important as is the motivation to practice and master the language. The teacher can only provide guidance and facilitate learning. The level of adaptability and use of more complex lexical and grammatical structures will be determined by the amount of practice that is put in by the learner. It has been the endeavor of this paper to suggest ways by which learners are motivated to achieve this level of competence.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
discourse on method by descartes :: essays research papers
DISCOURSE ON THE METHOD OF RIGHTLY CONDUCTING THE REASON, AND SEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCES PREFATORY NOTE BY THE AUTHOR If this Discourse appear too long to be read at once, it may be divided into six Parts: and, in the first, will be found various considerations touching the Sciences; in the second, the principal rules of the Method which the Author has discovered, in the third, certain of the rules of Morals which he has deduced from this Method; in the fourth, the reasonings by which he establishes the existence of God and of the Human Soul, which are the foundations of his Metaphysic; in the fifth, the order of the Physical questions which he has investigated, and, in particular, the explication of the motion of the heart and of some other difficulties pertaining to Medicine, as also the difference between the soul of man and that of the brutes; and, in the last, what the Author believes to be required in order to greater advancement in the investigation of Nature than has yet been made, with the reasons that have induced him to write. PART 1 Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed; for every one thinks himself so abundantly provided with it, that those even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else, do not usually desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess. And in this it is not likely that all are mistaken the conviction is rather to be held as testifying that the power of judging aright and of distinguishing truth from error, which is properly what is called good sense or reason, is by nature equal in all men; and that the diversity of our opinions, consequently, does not arise from some being endowed with a larger share of reason than others, but solely from this, that we conduct our thoughts along different ways, and do not fix our attention on the same objects. For to be possessed of a vigorous mind is not enough; the prime requisite is rightly to apply it. The greatest minds, as they are capable of the highest excellences, are open likewise to the greatest aberrations; and those who travel very slowly may yet make far greater progress, provided they keep always to the straight road, than those who, while they run, forsake it. For myself, I have never fancied my mind to be in any respect more perfect than those of the generality; on the contrary, I have often wished that I were equal to some others in promptitude of thought, or in clearness and
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Effect of Anorexia on Teen Girls :: essays research papers
What is Anorexia? Anorexia Nervosa, or, ana, is and eating disorder where people starve themselves. Anorexia usually begins in teens, or those nearing puberty. People with anorexia have extreme weight loss, usually 15% below the person's normal body weight. Anorexics have many varieties of losing weight, some of which include intake of laxatives, over-exercising, and not eating. Symtoms of Anorexia Physical Symptoms There are many symtoms of anorexia. Some are visible changes, like extreme weight loss. Others involve the inside of the body. The symptoms of anorexia are: Avoiding eating Denying hunger Avoiding social occasions involving food Food rituals to eat less, such as eating in secret, Eating foods in a certain order, excessive chewing, playing with food, and eating unnaturally small amounts of food Dramatic weight loss Refusing to gain weight Denial Obbsessing over diets and weight loss Excessive weighing, and obbsessing over small changes in weight Fear of gaining weight, and/or being fat Distorted body image EX)Perception of being over-weight, when actually underweight Basing their worthiness on appearence and body image Obbsessing over excercise routine Changes in Behavior Anorexia can induce many behavioral changes as well. Insomnia Mood Swings Depression Intense feelings of lonliness Sneaky behaviors involving food Emotional outbursts Fear of others opinions on their eating disorder Withdraw from daily life Causes of Anorexia Possible Causes Cultural Pressures - In many societies, Being extremely thin is important for women, and represents beauty, succsess, happiness, and self-control. Women are targeted with messages form the media that they must diet to meet this standard. But, this "ideal" body image is almost impossible to reach for most women, leaving them very dissatisfied with their body image. Mental Issues - Psychological characteristics that can make a person more likely to develop anorexia include: Low self-esteem, feelings of being worthless, poor, or distorted body image, depression, difficulty expressing emotions, a need for control, obbsessing over perfection, physical or sexual abuse, a need to feel special or unique. People who are driven to lose weight are often determined in other areas of life, such as schoolwork, career, physical fitness, and/or exercise. Family Enviroment - Some personal lifestyles can contribute to the development of eating disorders as well. Families with anorexic or bulimia can sometimes be: Overprotective, strict, and over-worrying. Other family issues that can lead to the devolopment of eating disorders are: Valueing body image and appearence too much, criticizing a child's weight or body shape, and being sexually or physically abused. Genetic Factors - Anorexia occurs eight times more often in people who know, or have realatives with an eating disorder. But, scientists don't know what the inherited factor is yet.
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