Thursday, November 28, 2019
BEFORE THE FLOOD Essays - Lans Rugby Club, , Term Papers
BEFORE THE FLOOD El d ocumental " Before the Flood " , presenta la de licada situacion en que se encuentra el mundo frente al calentamiento global. Tratar de explicar, mediante el arte, las consecuencias del cambio climatico, es la estrategia de Leonardo DiCaprio en Before the flood . Usando el cuadro El jardin de las delicias, del pintor holandes conocido como el Bosco, Leonardo muestra su vision de lo que enfrenta la sociedad. "El cambio climatico es real y esta sucediendo ahora". Sin duda este documental es de mis favoritos, ya que te hace abrir un poco mas los ojos; dicho filme presenta imagenes bastante importantes donde se muestra como junglas inmensas y llenas de vida se han convertido en explanadas grises sin vida alguna, hasta polos que se han derretido y van dejando sin hogar a diversos animales. Before the flood me ha parecido bastante bueno, en realidad te hace reflexionar sobre lo que consumimos en la vida diaria y que podriamos hacer. Leonardo Di Caprio , en mi punto de vista ha hecho un buen trabajo como mensajero de la paz, el resultado de su esfuerzo es un excelente documental que sirve como canal para enviar un urgente llamado a la humanidad sobre el consumo y habitos que han transformado al planeta y lo han llevado a un punto peligroso, con especies amenazadas y en extincion. Sin duda yo podria recomendar este filme, y no solo por entretenimiento, si no para que en verdad nos demos cuenta del dano que causamos a lo que mas necesitamos, y por fin ponernos es accion. Porque es cierto, de que te sirve saber del tema, platicarlo y escucharlo mil veces, si no vas a hacer nada para ayudar? El tiempo se nos acaba, y nadie hace nada, minima gente es la que en verdad promueve el cambio para ayudar al planeta. Pero que hay de los demas? En este documental podemos apreciar como DiCaprio encuentra y entrevista a las personas que tienen la injeren cia para cambiar el futuro. podem os verle hablar con cientificos, politicos como Barack Oba ma e incluso con el Papa Francisco. No solo eso, podemos ver el recorrido que el actor hizo a los lugares clave, como China e India, en donde la situacion ha llegado a los extremos, pero donde se pueden estar creando algunas de las soluciones mas importantes. Before the flood es un documental maravilloso a pesar de las malas noticias que da a conocer, pues no tiene miedo a senalar los verdaderos cambios necesarios para revertir lo que esta pasando en el planeta. Las acciones individuales son necesarias, por ejemplo, cuando se cambia una bombilla de luz por una ahorradora, nos deja en claro que las acciones deben estar a la altura del problema y que el tiempo se nos agota dia con dia. Before the flood demuestra que informar da poder, el poder del cambio. El gran inconveniente: a la humanidad le falta unirse para ayudar con esta causa.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Essay on Selecting a Personal ProjectEssay Writing Service
Essay on Selecting a Personal ProjectEssay Writing Service Essay on Selecting a Personal Project Essay on Selecting a Personal ProjectThe selection of the right decision making method is very important for taking the right decision. At this point, decision makers should take into consideration multiple effects, while taking the final decision, including their target audience, stakeholders affected by the decision, effects of the decision, resources available to decision makers and many other factors (Braynion, 2004). At this point, it is possible to refer to the decision making model developed by the group of students, which may be quite efficient and successful, if applied properly.The approach of selection used by students could be beneficial when the qualitative assessment is required and the objectivity of the assessment is not necessary (Hammond, Keeny, Raiffa, 2002). The qualitative assessment involves the analysis of factors that influence the perception of the decision by target audience. In such a context, the proposed approach of selection is efficient.This method of selection can be also applied to the decision making process, when the main goal of the selection is evoking interests of the target customer group (Blanchard Bowles, 2003). The proposed selection model implies the choice of criteria for the selection grounded on the personal experience of decision makers which basically coincides with those of the target audience affected by the decision.Furthermore, this approach of selection is beneficial, when students, who actually make the choice of the method of selection, have to rate different items on the ground of their personal experience to make the best choice. The grading of items before the selection allows making the right choice since decision makers clearly see which item is the best one.At the same time, measures of success chosen by students may change over time consistently. In this regard, measures which are the most subjective are the most vulnerable to the risk of changes over time. For instance, the originality is a good m easure at the moment, but it may change over time, if the chosen item becomes popular and therefore loses its originality (Yuan Shaw, 1995). In case of the current group of students and their measures, the video is an original item but, if other students start using videos en mass, there is a risk that video will become routine and, thus, lose their originality.Furthermore, fun may be another good measure at the moment, but it will definitely change over time since what looks funny now may not be funny in the future (Breneman Taylor, 2006). Different issues may be funny today because of their specific context, while, in the future, the context may change and these issues become not funny.At the same time, some measures are quite stable and they are unlikely to change over time, at least significantly. For instance, the demonstration of skills is a stable measure since there is a definite set of skills required and they will not change much in the course of time since if the item m atches the selected set of skills then it is good, if not – then it is bad (Butcher Clarke, 1999). Similarly, the measure â€Å"produce a good report†is also quite stable and it is unlikely to change over time. In fact, this measure implies the existence of specific requirements to a good report which are not likely to change over time and changes may be insignificant. The proposed decision making method is applicable to situations, when decisions are taken on the ground of the subjective experience of decision makes mainly. At the same time, it is possible to apply this decision making method to situations, when decision makers have to make decisions that are attractive for the target audience and the decision makers know the audience perfectly (Benfari, 2009). What is meant here is the fact that what is funny for the decision maker is funny for the audience too or what is original for the decision maker should be really original for the target audience. In such a case, the proposed model of decision making can be applied successfully and bring positive effects. For instance, such decisions can be taken by a group of students, preparing for a presentation for their class and the audience includes their peers (Kirk Broussine, 2000). In such a case, the proposed decision making model is efficient because students know their peers well.Similarly, this decision making model can be applied in the workplace environment, when a manager prepares a presentation for his/her colleagues or subordinates and knows them well. As a result, the manager can assess possible effects of the presentation and the means used for the presentation rightly because the manager knows his/her colleagues and subordinates well. In such a situation, the proposed decision making model is applied in the familiar context and the decision maker can forecast accurately the response of the target audience on the presentation. As a result, the decision maker, for instance, the m anager, can plan the presentation in such a way that it will keep the interest of the target audience high from the beginning of the presentation until its end.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Harmonization of Commercial Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Harmonization of Commercial Law - Essay Example 1. Preamble Law is vital to dealing with any disputes that arise out of human interaction. Over the centuries, laws have been developed to facilitate human activities in myriad spheres including business and commercial transactions. In the earliest days such laws were generally confined to regional borders and other such boundaries where a single government had enough authority to enforce such laws. However, increasing human interaction necessitated the expansion of trade to beyond frontiers where any one government operated thus leading to a certain liquidity in international business and commerce. On the one hand such liquidity has helped businesses to grow and expand into newer markets and on the other hand these interactions have resulted in disputes that are not covered by the regular cover of law. The historical evolution of laws in various nations and cultures has meant that laws are differentiated around the world. Hence, national laws may not be able to provide legal cover i n transnational and international commercial interactions. In order to deal with this problem there has been talk and action to develop a harmonised set of laws that govern international commercial transactions. ... In order to boost enforceability there has been a teeming move to harmonise such laws so that each nation or other such territorial or other such distinction has uniform laws. This approach to commercial international law has resulted in yet more unique circumstances than ever before. Nations and other such entities have begun framing laws to govern international commercial transactions which are merely similar in nature. It has been argued that these laws are more of a problem in themselves rather than a solution to the predicament at hand. The laws dealing commercial international transactions are seen to be inherently flawed in the manner that they are drafted and enforced in leading to more problems than before. In order to deal with this dilemma it has been suggested that the more appropriate approach would be to devise methods that would encourage states to draft and enforce private dispute laws in the context of international commercial transactions. The current approach relie s heavily on delineating various rights, roles and responsibilities of parties involved in international commercial transactions rather than dealing with dispute resolution upfront. It has been suggested that international commercial law can be simplified if the enforcing government concentrates on dispute resolution than delineating rights because it would allow involved parties to make better contractual choices. This text will attempt to analyse this claim in relation to international commercial law by looking at how harmonisation is supposed to function in principle and how it is actually being used. The shortcomings in current law harmonisation techniques will be looked into fully including drafting and enforcing laws. This will be taken further into
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The audacity of love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The audacity of love - Essay Example ise and Jerome Robbins is an exquisite blend of entertainment and education that opens a new vista pertaining to the class difference and class consciousness. â€Å"West Side Story†is an American film based on the eternal romantic play by Shakespeare, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†and adapted from the Broadway Musical bearing the same title. But these facts do not make this film powerful. The combination and the balanced blend of countless elements generate a powerful impact on my mind. The urban retelling of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†set against the background of the streets of Manhattan during the late summer of 1957 revolves round the story of love between two youngsters from opponent camps related to NYC gang and their consequence. The death of Tony in the arms of Maria which reaffirms their love â€Å"Somewhere†indicates that the film shows that despite of having every scope and possibility for the lovers to be one, they fail to achieve that state due to class differences and social rivalries. The beginning of the film shows the passionate love of Tony and Maria and their slow paced development of passion and desire for one another helps to make me feel their passion and overflowing emotions equally. In other words, the film makes me fall in love with the love story of Maria and Tony, woven within the plot of the film. Naturally at the end of the film the tragic consequences of the lovers give out a strong emotional impact and a long-lasting impre ssion on my mind and anyone watching the film would also come to the same point that social rivalry leads the generations and the world nowhere. Also the urban setting and re-telling of the film enables the contemporary mind to relate with it strongly. â€Å"The Graduate†directed by Mike Nichols is an American comedy-drama that was released in the year 1967. The plot of the film â€Å"The Graduate â€Å" combines an extra-ordinary and enchanting love story between its main characters, Benjamin Braddock played by the Academy Award
Monday, November 18, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Assignment Example Globalization and Agreement or Disagreement on the Issues Wright’s argument was that globalization is a force that has ultimately contributed to why the 9/11 attacks occurred. Wright is saying that if there were more financial equality in the Middle East, then perhaps there would not be rioting and all kinds of dissent among people in the Arab world regarding savage inequalities. These inequalities are problems like poverty and high populations, and not enough resources. Perhaps one of the greatest issues, however, that concerns the Middle East is how poverty has affected the people. People in these regions feel very upset that they are being ignored. Take, for example, the current situation in Syria. These people, hundreds of thousands of them, have been left to die at the hands of Bashar Assad. The president of Syria thinks that just because he can kill people, he should kill people. He hedged a bet that no one would stop him, and he was right. He is figuring on being able t o kill a lot of defenseless, innocent people just because he can. ... America’s â€Å"Grander Mission†and Its â€Å"Deep and Subtle Moral Challenge†What is America’s â€Å"grander mission†? It seems that America’s grander mission would be to help those less fortunate than itself. However, that is not always the case, sadly. While in the U.S. we attempt to give aid to those who most need it, unfortunately what the case is is that we are drowning in a budget deficit that threatens to send us off the edge of a fiscal cliff. While America’s greater or grander mission is to help those who are less fortunate, we must also realize our deep and subtle moral challenges. Those moral challenges include: taking the moral high ground; having interest in situations where they do not necessarily benefit us financially but are still situations in which people need help; and not benefiting from the suffering of others. One of America’s biggest issues is that its leaders only do things that are for their own bene fit or America’s benefit. For example, one of the key reasons America does not have a vested interest in helping the Syrians is because they have no oil. They have no resources to offer the U.S. in return for what the Americans would do for them. And, unfortunately, that kind of reciprocity is exactly why the U.S. got involved in Libya and Iraqâ€â€because the oilfields there would have jeopardized the oil deliveries to the U.S. and other countries. The key word here is the United States. Anything affecting the United States directly are what we consider our best interests. Unfortunately, that is a selfish policy that our leaders execute while forgetting about people who are suffering elsewhere that have just as valid plights from which they
Friday, November 15, 2019
Analysing Translation Studies English Language Essay
Analysing Translation Studies English Language Essay Nida points out that it is wrong to speak of a Theory of Translation because translating is essentially a technology which is dependent upon a number of disciplines. Every translator or interpreter uses a number of different theoretical models and implications, drawing on several disciplines. It is for this particular reason that the translation of the same text is not uniform when it is performed by several translators. Translation is the process and, as a process, it should be viewed from so many different perspectives (Nida 1991, p.20), including the writers intent, changes in reading preferences, diversity of source and target cultures, numerous nuances of the source text, and stylistic features of the text. As not all aspects can be transferred from the source text into the target text, the translator carefully chooses these aspects, analysing the text within a certain context and relying on certain theoretical concepts taken from relevant disciplines. For instance, as translati on revolves around the knowledge of two languages, it is necessary for the translator to delve into the essence of linguistics and assess the source text from the linguistic viewpoint, identifying the differences in two linguistic systems (Schaffner Wiesemann 2001, p.7). In this regard, a Theory of Translation, according to Malmkjaer (2005, p.22), should be subsumed under linguistic theory. The linguistic theory of translation develops diverse methods and techniques of translation which are either optional or obligatory (Schaffner Wiesemann 2001, p.8), and these methods help translators transfer the meaning from the source text into the target text. Likewise, sociolinguistics provides valuable insights into the use of theoretical concepts of translation in practice and the ways in which societies employ language in interpersonal relations (Nida 1991, p.25). The translator who draws on sociolinguistics when translating from one language into another pays special attention to extralinguistic and paralinguistic aspects of the text. A text (or a speech) can be properly translated only if the translator (or the interpreter) is able to draw parallels between the content of a text (or a speech) and extralinguistic and paralinguistic codes used by the writer (or the speaker). Knowledge of extralinguistic and paralinguistic codes also allows the translator to bring together the content and form and thus deduce a more exact meaning of a text. As such, a Theory of Translation within sociolinguistics helps the translator fill the gaps in the process of decoding messages sent by the writer to the reader. Cultural studies develop a theory of translation that resists dominant target-language cultural values so as to signify the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text (Venuti 1995, p.18). The cultural theory of translation complements the linguistic theory of translation by placing the text within the socio-cultural context. In light of this, the juxtaposition of the linguistic theory of translation and the cultural theory of translation allows to establish the systematic relationship between linguistic structures at the textual micro-level and social, cultural, historical conditions of text production and reception (Schaffner Wiesemann 2001, p.13). Delving deeper into the essence of translation, scholars have also found out that the meaning of the text has relevance to three crucial components the writer, the message, and the reader (Riccardi 2002, p.84; Armstrong 2005, p.44). The more information the translator has of the writer, of the exact message, and the intended reader, the more accurate translation he/she will produce. This recognition has paved the way to the advance of the hermeneutics of translation (Munday 2001, p.163). As Kin Yuen (2001, p.334) acknowledges, the structure of translation was discovered by modern hermeneutics. The development of the structure of translation by hermeneutics provides conclusive evidence that a Theory of Translation is a misnomer for other disciplines. It is hermeneutics that has equated translation with interpretation, thus rejecting the assumption that translation is a simple reproduction of the text in the target language (Kin Yuen 2001, p.335). The translator does not reproduce the text in another language; he/she interprets it, adhering to certain norms and theoretical concepts. A Theory of Translation can not be regarded as a separate discipline or science because a separate discipline needs its metalanguage to create specific theoretical concepts; yet a Theory of Translation employs metalanguage of the above mentioned disciplines to formulate definitions and concepts. For instance, the linguistic theory of translation operates with such concepts as overt translation, covert translation, equivalence, communicative translation, and adaptation (Schaffner Wiesemann 2001, p.8), while the cultural theory of translation uses such terms as domestication, foreignisation, and resistancy (Schaffner Wiesemann 2001, p.12). As a result of the lack of metalanguage, a Theory of Translation has no agreement on the central concepts (Schaffner Wiesemann 2001, p.6). When speaking of a Theory of Translation, scholars use such categories as intersemiotic translation and interlingual translation (Gentzler 2001, p.1), thus explicitly emphasising the fact that the translation t heory stems from such disciplines as semiotics, linguistics, and the philosophy of language and that it is only a model which is used to bring up questions for the research. As a model, a Theory of Translation relies not on sound theoretical conception but rather on assumptions and hypotheses; as such, a Theory of Translation is limited and can not be regarded as a valid equivalence for the mentioned disciplines. A Theory of Translation moves along the vicious circle; it has to be drawn on reliable data from the research. Yet the research can not be conducted if theoretical concepts are not formulated. As the essay has clearly shown, there is no such a thing as a Theory of Translation; while this term is used in academic sources, it is more correct to regard a Theory of Translation as a misnomer for such disciplines as linguistics, sociology, sociolinguistics, hermeneutics, philosophy of language, psychology, narratology, semiotics, stylistics, literary history, and cultural history in view of the multifaceted nature of translational phenomena (Malmkjaer 2005, p.21). As the acquired evidence demonstrates, it is not a mere question of wordsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ there [is] a deeper meaning behind these terminological hesitations (Lambert, 2006, p.77). A consolidated Theory of Translation has not been built yet; instead, as Schaffner and Wiesmann (2001, p.6) put it, there is a multiplicity of different approaches, each of each focuses on specific aspects, looking at the product or the process of translation from a specific angle. All these theoretical approaches to translation embedded in v arious disciplines are not necessarily exclusive, but rather complementary (Schaffner and Wiesmann 2001, p.13). To subsume a Theory of Translation into a separate discipline or science, it is necessary to develop a metalanguage specific to it and, using this metalanguage, formulate new concepts and definitions which will generate a unified Theory of Translation.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Nurse and Friar Laurence are responsible for Romeo and Juliets deat
     In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet the characters Nurse and Friar Laurence are to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s Problems.      The way Friar Laurence encouraged Romeo and Juliet to get Married, The way the Nurse is contradictory in her views of Romeo and Paris, When Friar Laurence secretly married them, the way the Nurse is secretive about the affair and does not tell the Capulet’s or the Montague’s, when Laurence gave Juliet the sleeping potion, the way Laurence believed he was doing the right thing without thinking of the consequences, and the way Laurence leaves Juliet’s Tomb when he hears the watch coming, all combine to result in the lovers death.      In act II scene III, Romeo goes to see Friar Laurence to tell him that he no longer loves Rosaline, but has fell in love with Juliet. This amazes Friar Laurence, but he promises to marry them,      â€Å"O, she knew well      Thy love did read by rote, that could not spell.      But come, young waverer, come, go with me.      In one respect I’ll assistant be.      For this alliance may so happy prove      To turn your household’s rancour to pure love.†(Friar Laurence, Act II Scene III, sentence 87-92)      By doing this, Friar Laurence has gone behind Capulet and Montague’s back, and started the momentum behind the lover’s tragedy.      In a few parts of the play, the Nurse speaks of Romeo and Paris with Juliet, each time she has a different view on who Juliet should be with,      LADY CAPULET      â€Å"Marry, that ‘marry’ is the very theme      I came to talk of. Tell me daughter Juliet,      How stands your dispositions to be married?†          JULIET      â€Å"It is an honour that I dream not of†     NURSE      â€Å"An honour! Were not I thine only nurse,      I would say thou hadst sucked wisdom from thy      Teat.†     LADY CAPULET... ...p;                 Exit Friar What’s here? A cup, closed in my true loves hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end. O churl! Drunk all, and left no friendly drop To help me after? I will kiss thy lips. Haply some poison yet doth hang on them To make me die with a restorative. She kisses him Thy lips are warm!†WATCHMAN ‘within’ â€Å"Lead, boy. Which way? JULIET â€Å"Yea, noise? Then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger! She snatches Romeos dagger This is thy sheath, there rust, and let me die                     She stabs herself and falls†(Act V Scene III, sentence 144-176)      In this act, Rome and Juliet die. This is brought about by the Friars plan to help Romeo and Juliet escape to Mantua, which failed.      Without the meddling from the Nurse and Friar Laurence, Romeo and Juliet might not have died. Friar Laurence and the Nurse are responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death. Bibliography William Shakespeare - Romeo And Juliet - Complete Edition
Monday, November 11, 2019
Gender Stereotyping is Unfairness Essay
The roles the society allocates to its members according to sex are the root course of how people relate to each other in the society. Those who don’t fit into predetermined gender roles face social sanctions. This paper reveals that the gender stereotyping in the society are unfair and amount to the abuse of the rights of those who don’t conform to the norms. The essay takes into consideration the origins of the social standards and experiences of life which are used on women. Devor’s essay reveals how gender stereotypes give rise to female to male transsexuals. This paper shall also analyze Alice Munro’s book, Boys and Girls that provides a literary example that complements Denvor’s scientific explanation. The paper will also be complemented by various views by feminists. Devor states that since time immemorial women were taken as less important than men. Women were not much recorded in writings on the society as men were. A close look at the writings of ancient religions e.g. Greek, Judaism, and the dark ages reveals this. Cultures in the past have had individuals with mixed gender, who are based on polytheistic beliefs. In America this was identified in the 16th century. This was not written about as most of the writings focused on men thought to have female traits for social ridicule. In the twentieth century women became empowered and became workers due to the industrial age. In this time women who dressed like men were branded the title lesbians. This name later was used to refer to transgender women in the culture. Efforts to discover the trait of transgender individuals have been undertaken in the recent past however this phenomenon has been present in societies always. This phenomenon for long has been suppressed. Modern science has discovered the biological differences as well as psychological and social influences between men and women, and now the study of transsexuals can be studied and medication given. Devor argues that the context of culture is very important in understanding sex and gender. He states that the structure of the society determines the lives of individuals. Gender is a result of cultural influence on the members of the society. The relations in the society that enhance gender are rules of relations in the society. He observes that the society is responsible for its transgender individuals. They represent the mean of what the society has forced in the diverse human life (Dover 37). His argument is that the home is the place where the female to male transsexuals are bred. Most of the theories on transgender individuals put the responsibility of the situation on parents. For instance fathers are seen to impart the message that women are lesser to their daughters. Also mothers who appear victimized and dependent on the husband make their daughters attracted to be like men. This leads to a personality split, which is not illness, as some people believe. In the developmental years at the stage of early development those children with male to female traits do not identify with female relations in their childhood years. The children in this stage identify themselves with masculine figures and preferred male company. In the final analysis there seems, on the part of these girls a desire to escape the problems of their gender. Transsexuals, therefore, are the result of intense socialization. The process starts at early childhood and continues to build up in adolescence and even in adult life. She argues that people should be left to live and fully express the gender roles they choose. Most transsexuals don’t undergo the surgery to change their genitalia so they face continuing limitations in society. In spite of this they are able to achieve their goals in life.  As stated in the introduction, Alice Munro’s book, Boys and Girls supports Devor’s idea of sex and gender. The story of the girl narrator sheds light on Devor’s argument about gender stereotyping in the society. In the book Munro depicts challenges and successes in the process of passage from childhood to adulthood. Her narrators are a girl and a boy, who are siblings. She tackles the theme of sex role stereotype which is full of unfairness. The protagonist undergoes exacting and extreme initialization into adulthood like her younger brother. The author suggests that stereotyping of gender and loss of innocence are initiation into adulthood, and are extremely influential to individual children. Munro through the choice of a female protagonist who is without a name and therefore undignified lays he ground for showcasing the stereotype. The younger brother of the protagonist is named laid – for lord, and by virtue of the name he is to become a dignified master of others. The grandmother of the children comes calling and gives the narrator advice on the rules of conduct for a girl. For instance girls keep their legs together when they are seated. The narrator faces a disliking of the roles that she is being couched to take; those of her mother. She rather likes her father’s roles.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Names of Family Members in Spanish
Names of Family Members in Spanish Who are the members of your family, how many are there, and what do they do? These are among the first questions you may be asked when you meet and first become acquainted with a native Spanish speaker. Depending on your age, you may be asked about your parents and what they do for a living, or you may be asked if you are married or have any children. Learn the words on this page as well as a few words to describe your family members, then bring a photo along, and even if youre a beginner and know only simple grammar, you can engage in conversation. Gender and Family Members Keep in mind that masculine plurals in Spanish can refer to mixed groups of males and females. Thus cuatro hijos can mean either four sons or four children, depending on the context. And while it may sound strange to the ear attuned to English, padres is a grammatically correct way to refer to both a mother and father, even though padre alone refers to a father. Also, note that the word pariente means relative in general; the Spanish-English cognate doesnt refer only to parents. Vocabulary of the Family Following are the names for the most common relatives and some of the uncommon ones: padre: fathermadre: motherhermano: brotherhermana: sistersuegro: father-in-lawsuegra: mother-in-lawcuà ±ado: brother-in-lawcuà ±ada: sister-in-lawesposo, marido: husbandesposa, mujer: wifeabuelo: grandfatherabuela: grandmotherbisabuelo: great-grandfatherbisabuela: great-grandmothertatarabuelo: great-great-grandfathertatarabuela: great-great-grandmotherhijo: sonhija: daughternieto: grandsonnieta: granddaughterbisnieto: great-grandsonbisnieta: great-granddaughtertataranieto: great-great-grandsontataranieta: great-great-granddaughtertà o: uncletà a: aunttà o abuelo: great-uncletà a abuela: great-auntprimo: cousin (male)prima: cousin (female)primo carnal, prima carnal, primo hermano, prima hermana: first cousinprimo segundo, prima segunda: second cousinsobrino: nephewsobrina: niecepadrastro: stepfathermadrastra: stepmotherhijastro: stepsonhijastra: stepdaughterhermanastro: stepbrotherhermanastra: stepsistermedio hermano, hermano de padre, hermano de madre: half brothermedia her mana, hermana de padre, hermana de madre: half sister concuà ±ado: husband of ones spouses sisterconcuà ±ada: wife of ones spouses brotherconsuegro: father-in-law of ones son or daughterconsuegra: mother-in-law of ones son or daughterprometido, novio: fiance, boyfriend, groomprometida, novia: fiancà ©e, girlfriend, bridecompaà ±ero: male partner in a couple relationshipcompaà ±era: female partner in a couple relationshippadrino: godfathermadrina: godmotherahijado: godsonahijada: goddaughteramigo: friend (male)amiga: friend (female)conocido: acquaintance (male)conocida: acquaintance (female) Miscellaneous Family Terms La familia polà tica or los polà ticos may be used as the equivalent of the in-laws. In other words, the terms refer to people to whom one is related by marriage. (In a different context, polà ticos can also refer to politicians.) The term amigovio or amigovia can be used colloquially in some areas to a person with whom a person has a romantic or sexual relationship that hasnt necessarily been formalized, such as a friend with benefits or a live-in lover where there isnt necessarily an expectation of marriage. This is a word of fairly recent origin, so its meaning isnt uniform in all areas. Note that while marido refers to a husband, there is no corresponding feminine form, marida, in standard use. Sample Sentences Referring to Family Members Here are some simple sample sentences you can use as models for your own: Mi padre es carpintero. (My father is a carpenter.)Mi tà a es dentista.(My aunt is a dentist.)Mi madre es ama de casa. (My mother is a housewife.)Tengo dos hermanos y una hermana. (I have two brothers and a sister.)Tengo cuatro hermanos. (This sentence can be seen as ambiguous by English speakers. It can be correctly translated as either I have four brothers or I have four siblings.)Tengo nueve tà os. (I have nine aunts and uncles or I have nine uncles.:)Mi madrastra vive en el estado de Nueva York. (My stepmother lives in New York state.)Mis sobrinas viven en Chicago. (My nieces live in Chicago.)Mi padre est muerto. (My father is dead.)Mi prima est muerta. (My female cousin is dead.)Mi madre est viva. (My mother is alive.)Otto y Edith Frank fueron los padres de Ana Frank. (Otto and Edith Frank were the parents of Anne Frank.)Los primos no pueden casarse segà ºn nuestra cultura. (Cousins cannot marry accoridng to our culture.)Los suegras siempre tienen mala reputacià ³n. (Mo thers-in-law always have a bad reputation.)
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
7 Strategies for Getting a Raise
7 Strategies for Getting a Raise No one ever wrote a song about performance review time, calling it the â€Å"most wonderful tiiiiime of the year.†Nobody loves it, except maybe the most devoted members of Human Resources. It’s extra work for you, your boss, and your company. However, it’s worth it- it not only lets you know how you’re doing, but it also might net you a bonus or raise. The time to start thinking about that raise is not 10 minutes before your self-evaluation is due. Planning ahead can bring great rewards.1. Set goals early. REALLY early.If possible, you can even set these goals before you have the job. If you spend a lot of time discussing the skill-building and growth you expect to see in your first year in the job, it helps your new employer set a baseline for your performance. Of course, realism is the key here. If you say you’re going to increase revenue by X% and you don’t meet that, you’ve just set yourself up for failure. Instead, set your self up for success†¦ and future profit.2. Know your goalposts throughout the year.If your boss expects you’ll hit certain milestones or complete particular projects, take extra care with those- they’ll be the concrete proof of your raise-worthy year. Make sure you keep a paper trail for big projects to help remind you later what you accomplished. If you get glowing reviews from a colleague or a client, save them! You can casually bust those out during a year-end discussion, and use them to how just how valuable you are to the team. If you’re collecting data and keeping track of things all year, you won’t have to make a rushed pitch at the end of the year and risk forgetting accomplishments or projects that would make an excellent case for a raise.3. Don’t limit yourself to just your responsibilities If your company has committees, join one. If there are employee social events, volunteer to help set up or clean up. If you see a way to provi de excellent service, but it would be a minor inconvenience to you, try to do it anyway. Things like these show that you’re willing to get your hands dirty in support of the company. You’re a team player who does what needs to be done, and doesn’t just wait around to be told what to do. If you want to look valuable, be valuable. You’d be surprised at how â€Å"small†things add up by the end of the year.4. Don’t lie or bluff about your accomplishments.Your boss will know if you are over-inflating numbers or making it look like you have a skill you don’t quite have. Be positive about your accomplishments and your skills, and talk them up as much as possible- just don’t feel the need to embellish. You don’t want anyone to question your integrity.5. Treat your review like a re-interview.Instead of letting your boss (or whoever is reviewing you) run through a monologue of your year while you sit quietly and sign the forms at the end, try to make sure it’s a dialogue. If she mentions a particular project, make sure the background and context are clear and that the takeaway- your success- is clear.6. Turn your mistakes into accomplishments.If you didn’t have a perfect year (and who does?) it doesn’t mean you’ll be disqualified from a raise or that you don’t deserve one. Again, this is a chance to play up your strengths. If something didn’t go well and it comes up in your review, make sure you put some spin on it. Talk about what you learned from the process and how you’ve grown/what you’ve done to fix the issue after the fact.7. Don’t plead poverty.A discussion about a raise is a discussion about your work performance. That’s it. You may very well need the money, but your employer is not obligated to give raises out of pity or because you’re a nice person. Make sure the focus stays on the reasons Professional You deserves mor e compensation. Once you make it personal, you also give more leverage to your employer. If they know you really, really need more money for Fluffington McWhiskers’ plastic surgery, they can try to lowball you because they know you’ll take less than you might be able to negotiate for yourself as part of a neutral, job-data-only presentation.If you start preparing well before you’re scheduled to meet for a review- or if you’ve picked a time during the rest of the year to make your case for a raise- you’re in a great position. If you’ve built a careful and clear case about why you deserve more, you have also created some built-in confidence. All you need to do is cross the finish line, hopefully a little richer than you were before.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Ruritanian Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Ruritanian Project - Essay Example Organizations can choose to conduct environmental scanning of varying level such as, multinational, regional and national. In case of multinational, a wide range of aspects are assessed to identify, forecast and monitor the trends. These trends include the political and economic trends of the countries (Deresky, 2006; Lall and Sahai, 2008). In this case, the company, which is headquartered at United Kingdom, is planning to open its new manufacturing unit in Ruritania. Ruritania is a developing Eastern European country with a stable political and economic condition. This report focuses on providing an analysis of the impact on financial aspect of the organization owing to its operation in this country. The analysis is based on the data provided in the case. Figure 1: Environmental forces affecting the organization (Source: Kerin, Hartley and Rudelius, 2010) Market growth For Foreign Direct Investment, decision making of the multinational enterprise in the host country, market size, pe r capita income, degree of development and changes of market growth, play an important role. The host countries with higher degree of economic development, increasing market size and rapid economic growth are seen to provide better opportunities to the MNEs to exploit the ownership advantages and accomplish economies of scale. It has been suggested that market growth and market size are some of the driving forces that helps the foreign firms with location specific decision making. The market growth plays a leading role in the developing economies to decide on the development of the country from two perspectives such as, increasing domestic market and higher amount of industrial growth. Per capita income, market growth and market size are the traditional economic variables that attract the FDI. From the perspective of the company, they are more likely to invest in the countries with larger market size, higher purchasing power and higher growth potential, rather than the countries wit h smaller market size, lower purchasing power and dawdling economic growth. Market related variables such as, GDP growth, GDP per capita and GDP are also used by the FDIs as important determinants. The level of GDP is seen to capture prospective economies of large scale production and specifically helps in measuring the size of the market. FDI is nothing but a unit of the foreign organization that is trying to establish one of its units in the host country. The absolute and relative sizes of the market are used for estimation. The absolute size of the market is captured by the level of GDP, whereas the growth rate of the GDP is represented by the relative size. A higher amount of GDP per capita generates similar results as the lower balance of payment deficit. The FDIs are seen to be attracted to the host country if they have greater size of potential market and higher amount of GDP (Buxheli, 2011). In the Ruritanian case, the GDP of the country has shown an average growth of 6 perc ent for the past five years, but in the current year, it has shown growth rate of only 0.07 percent, which is poor. This clearly indicates that the GDP growth rate has decreased and the economy is not in a healthy state. A higher growth rate of the GDP implies a robust economy, thereby simultaneously suggesting that the level of unemployment is low and wage increases. On the contrary, if the GDP growth rate is low or negative, then it implies that the economy is in an
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Quotation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quotation - Essay Example Why else would our government continue to allow tax breaks and subsidies to oil companies? These companies certainly do not need subsidies, yet they continue to get them. In the meantime, there are many poor people who rely on basic government services, and see these services being cut, year after year. It angers me that the money that is given to oil companies could be used for much better causes, and this is just one glaring example. Our health system is broken, in part because of the big lobbying money that is given by the health care industry and, especially, the pharmaceutical companies. Our Congress will not raise taxes on the wealthy, because of all the money that the wealthy gives these congressional representatives and senators to make sure that this doesn't happen. Sure, on the surface, we live in a democracy, but when one really gets down to it, we really don't – we increasingly live in a country that is by the wealthy and for the wealthy. As for the rest of the quo te, it does seem like this envisions a country that is a little bit less complex than our society. For instance, this quote talks about there being equal justice to all and alike. This might be true in some areas, not so much true in others. It is a common fact that African Americans represent, proportionally, a high percentage of our prison population, so this implies that justice is not always equal. Distinguished citizens might prefer public service, but they often do not, preferring to work for profit just like anybody else might. Poverty is an obstacle to advancement in this country, although there are some who work their way up from poverty, this is true. But if a person is in poverty, that person does have much longer odds in making it in this world than people who are not in poverty. They do not have the same educational opportunities, they do not have the advantage of a stable home many times, and they face prejudice and discrimination in their lives often because of who th ey are. So, while a man â€Å"may benefit his country whatever the obscurity of his condition,†this is often not true, more often than not. The quote that states that we are not angry with our neighbor if he does what he likes might be true in some cases - there certainly are a good share of people who are â€Å"live and let live†types. But there are others who make everybody else's business their own - if this were not true, then we would have gay marriage in all 50 states. Moreover, part of the quote implies that â€Å"we are prevented from doing wrong by respect for the authorities and the laws.†This is true for some, but certainly not true for all. This country certainly has its share of lawlessness, and this is true for most people - every time a person speeds in his or her car, they are technically breaking the law, and there is certainly crime that is rampant in this country as well. In short, this quote assumes that there is some kind of perfect count ry. Our country isn't perfect. It's messy, people commit crimes, others have to be in others' businesses, and there isn't enough attention to the poor. That said, this quote may also be seen as true for a certain percentage of the population, so this quote is not entirely true, nor entirely false. The next quote that will be examined will be quote number 10. This is that all men are created equal and they are endowed by
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