Friday, January 24, 2020
The Battle of New Orleans: Jimmie Driftwood Essay -- heroes, trials, g
Throughout history courageous, unselfish, sacrificial acts have described ‘heroes’ as unique individuals that served their communities above and beyond the norm. Song lyrics from the 1930s to 1970s have praised and denounced heroic actions found in songs by Jimmie Driftwood, The Battle of New Orleans (1936), and Mitch Murray and Peter Callander’s, Billy Don’t Be A Hero (1974) along with songs like John Henry (1870), John Brown’s Body (1861), and many others. Humanity craves heroes regardless of the culture or worldview people need to have something or someone to worship, admire, emulate, or detest; Joseph Campbell attempts and succeeds in describing in detail the arduous journey one must survive and endure to be reborn through the world navel and become the hero. Whether the hero is a favorite sports figure or singer/song writer or movie/television star or just a simple mom/dad trying to do the best they can for their children each has undergone mom ents of despair while in the dark valleys or exaltation of the mountain top to become the hero in the eye of the public or within the soul of themselves. â€Å"And so every one of us shares the supreme ordeal---carries the cross of the redeemerâ€â€not in the bright moments of his tribe’s great victories, but in the silences of his personal despair†(Campbell, 337). As can be seen in the story of Jonah as related in the second chapter of Jonah in the King James Version: â€Å"Then Jonah prayed unto the LORD his God out of the fish's belly, 2 And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice. 3 For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows a... ...ous and barbaric by our genteel Methodists, yet by those noble ‘savages’ their gods were beautiful beyond measure. â€Å"Hence the figures worshiped in the temples of the world are by no means always beautiful, always benign, or even necessarily virtuous. Like the deity of the Book of Job, they fare transcend the scales of human value†(Campbell, 35). Earnest Their of Rockwood, Tennessee stated: â€Å"One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.†Same could be applied to the faces of the gods or heroes. Trials and tribulations, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, in for a penny in for a pound, and dynamite comes in small packages are a few idioms from the lexicons of the people of earth describing the ordeals one must faithfully endure to overcome in the end and join the ranks of the heroes with a thousand faces. Works Cited Campbell, Joseph The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Alumni Essay
GENERAL BACKGROUND Information system (IS) is the study of complementary networks of hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect, filters, and process, create, and distribute data. The study bridges business and computer science using the theoretical foundations of information and computation to study various business models and related algorithmic processes within a computer science discipline. Computer information system (CIS) is a field studying computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, their software and hardware designs, their applications, and their impact on society while IS emphasizes functionality over design. Any specific information system aims to support operations, management and decision making. In a broad sense, the term is used to refer not only to the information and communication technology (ICT) that an organization uses, but also to the way in which people interact with this technology in support of business processes. Some authors make a clear distinction between information systems, computer systems, and business processes. Information systems typically include an ICT component but are not purely concerned with ICT, focusing instead on the end use of information technology. Information systems are also different from business processes. Information systems help to control the performance of business processes. Alter argues for advantages of viewing an information system as a special type of work system. A work system is a system in which humans and/or machines perform work (processes and activities) using resources to produce specific products and/or services for customers. An information system is a work system whose activities are devoted to processing (capturing, transmitting, storing, retrieving, manipulating and displaying) information. As such, information systems inter-relate with data systems on the one hand and activity systems on the other. An information system is a form of communication system in which data represent and are processed as a form of social memory. An information system can also be considered a semi-formal language which supports human decision making and action. NEED OFINFORMATION SYSTEM Information systems help provide structure and access to information. Since libraries build, manage, and maintain information systems, librarians and LIS students are often propelled onto the front lines of interactions between library users and technology. But what do librarians need to know to best meet their patron’s needs? Information expert Ratzan uses plain language, humor, and everyday examples like baseball and arithmetic to make sense of â€Å"information systems†. He also explores their characteristics, uses, abuses, advantages, and shortcomings for your library. Fun exercises and appendices are provided to illustrate key points in the book and measure understanding. You can be a technophobe and still learn about systems and subsystems to represent, organize, retrieve, network, secure, conceal, measure, and manage information. This expert sourcebook addresses both theoretical and practical issues, and is complete with exercises, examples, terms, and charts that help clarify concepts to make your information system a success. ADVANTAGES OF INFORMATION SYSTEM Information systems have significantly transformed the way business is conducted. In today’s society it would be pretty difficult to find an organization that does not use some form of technology, automation or information system to help run its operational and daily transactional processes. Computer technology has become so highly integrated in the business environment it is often hard to remember a time when organizations operated without it. The benefits technology offers are very valuable and this is the primary reason why many businesses opt to invest in information systems. Increased Productivity When automation takes over some of the burden of the more mundane and routine tasks, the rapid speed increases productivity. In addition employees are free to work on other important tasks that require human thinking. The time computer information systems frees up also gives both management and their staffs the ability to have time to brainstorm and come up with new and innovative ideas since the burden of some of the everyday tasks are lifted. Less Redundancy and Better Data Integrity Computer information systems can be programmed to have amazing ability to eliminate duplicates, point out inconsistencies and merge data together to make it more manageable. This heightens the ability for higher degrees of accuracy and efficiency. Data integrity means the data is more reliable due to the capabilities of automation. Inputting data into information systems where it can be sorted, filed and processed is highly efficient. Long gone are the days of filing cabinets, missing papers, misfiled documents and other important details. If information is needed, all it takes is a few clicks of the mouse or a few works typed in and all the information immediately pops right up. Instead of having separated computer systems for different parts of a business, modern information systems allow systems to be streamlined. No longer do different staff members have to input and file the same information for their own purposes and needs. Instead data goes into one central place and IT personnel set up user privileges which are typically on a need to know basis and employees can access which areas of the information system they need to perform their jobs. Initially investing in computer information systems is a large investment, but when strategically planned through proper system analysis, the investment in information systems can pay off handsomely over the long term. The key is to think of the organization’s mission, objectives and overall business plan and ensure the implemented information system meets these goals. With proper planning a company can simultaneously maximize profit while decreasing overhead costs. The possibilities of using information systems in business are endless. While there are some challenges to overcome when making the transition to new kinds of automation, with strategic thinking, good technical planning and an overall willingness to embrace change through technology, there are many terrific advantages of integrating information systems in any organization. ALUMNI INFORMATION SYSTEM Alumni information system is an example of web application which is under the information systems. It helps an academic institution in tracking its alumni. Also, it helps the alumni to communicate with the institution through the use of the internet. It also helps the alumni to get updated with the latest news and upcoming events of the institution. This application can easily be accessed through the use of the internet which will be very useful to the alumni because they can keep in touch with the institution even if they do not visit the school. This application can be very useful especially to those alumni who are now living abroad because they can still get connected with their fellowmen and the institution. Nowadays, computer has infiltrated all the aspects of our society. The computer is most likely one of the great technological mechanism for future change. It can now simply make our works easier and lighter. With this great thing it won’t be more useful without the computer’s software. Software is a generic term for organized collections of computer data and instructions, often broken into two major categories: system software that provides the basic non-task-specific functions of the computer, and application software which is used by users to accomplish specific tasks. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT WORK A website requires attractive design and proper arrangement of links and images, which enables a browser to easily interpret and access the properties of the site. Hence it provides the browser with adequate information and functionality about the organization, community, network etc. This sites use to view information of alumni, job vacancy details. The current happening information showing in the page. The alumni are old students are registering their information in the department. Here the department organizing the any activities is inserting in the site. This web site is totally full of information and details of person joined with that institute. This project is to modify, add store data of each and every individual. ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION Introduction A to Z Computech is one of the foremost technical and well experienced Computer Institute. It offers Diploma Courses, Higher Diploma Courses, Post Graduate Diploma Courses, Certified Courses, Individual Courses, Project Works, Implant Training, Soft Skill Training, Web Designing, and Software Development in various streams and Aims to provide Quality Computer Education. The Institute was established in June 1996 in Chennimalai, headed by J. Senthil Kumar, The Managing Director, and a visionary with 18 years of experience in the Field of IT. The Institute was certified by International Standard Organization (ISO 9001:2008). A to Z Computech aim to provide superior Computer Education in convivial and artistic environment with disciplined, Dedicated and Corporate regulations. Vision Vision is to bring up the computer skills, Innovative ideas and talents of each and every individual student from rural area and make them to participate in team for the Development of our nation. By providing Quality, time bound and cost-efficient Computer Education. Mission [The ultimate goal of A to Z Computech is to have its own identity in the Computer Training industry as a most trusted trainer in all aspects and a one stop solution for high quality, time bound and cost effective Institute. A to Z Computech is committed to maintain 100% student’s satisfaction by certain values Deep Integrity & Ensuring Code of Conduct. Precious Timekeeping & Highest level of Training Potential Leadership with an Energetic Team Sufficient Infrastructure for anytime Expansion Continuous Growth & 100% Success Leadership and Team A to Z Computech are an Institute with diverse talents & skills. Our Institute offers a Job Oriented Courses, College Project Works (All UG & PG Courses), In Plant Training in which talented, creative & motivated students can be employed by us. A to Z Computech don’t just acknowledge hard work & achievements; A to Z Computech reward it & groom it. A to Z Computech have an experienced team of ambitious, vibrant, young professionals having ability to update with latest trends & requirements of students. A to Z Computech team’s passion is to take challenges and to deliver to Students expectations. ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT REPORT This project report is subdivided into six main chapters and some appendix. Chapter I â€Å"INTRODUCTION†includes the introduction about information system, need of information system, advantages of information system, alumni information system, about the organization and organization of the project report. Chapter II â€Å"SYSTEM ANALYSIS†includes description of the Existing System and proposed system. It’s employed to provide a systematic proposed method and principles to achieve the objectives of the report. Chapter III â€Å"SYSTEM SPECIFICATION†includes hardware and software requirements, front end and backend details. Chapter IV â€Å"SYSTEM DESIGN†includes system and data flow diagram, module description, database, input and output design. Chapter V â€Å"TESTING & IMPLEMENTATION†includes testing plan and schedule, implementation details. Chapter VI â€Å"CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK†includes the conclusion and general evaluation of the project and suggestion of the future work.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Effects Of The Black Plague On Society - 944 Words
The Black Death was the name given to a plague that occurred in the mid 13th century which caused at least a third of the world’s population to perish. During the years in which the plague spread across Europe, many aspects of life for the people that lived were altered forever. This epidemic was like no other in history and had an unprecedented outcome. The effects of the Black Plague on society were substantial resulting in great changes of social classes through role reorganization, changes in belief systems, and ways that society interacted. Before the Black Plague came to Europe, there was a great famine during the early years of the 13th century. According to the Cole text, the famine was a result of the population tripling in the previous 300 years(238). Even though there were was more food available than ever before, it was still not enough to feed the population of Europe. The famine was the first round of death that would occur during the 1300s. Following this famin e, a new evil would soon come over the people of medieval Europe. This evil was the bubonic plague or the Black Death. It was highly prominent in 1347 through 1350, but continued to have outbreaks for hundreds of years after. The plague originated from China and quickly spread across Asia into the area surrounding the Black Sea. It almost immediately started to spread to the north and west along the heavily traveled trade routes. These trade routes ran through densely populated urban areas that letShow MoreRelatedThe Economic, Political, and Social Effects of the Black Death1268 Words  | 6 Pagesknown as the Black Death. This Black Death was an ecological disaster on a global scale. The effects of the plague on human and certain animal populations from East Asia to as far west as Greenland were catastrophic. All facets of society, from peasant to king were affected; no one was safe. All of society was affected; nothing would ever be the same. Thus, there were many economic, soc ial, and political effects of the Black Death. Before one can understand the effects of the Black Death, one mustRead MoreThe Plague Of The Bubonic Plague825 Words  | 4 PagesThe Plague Discussion Questions The Black Death was an epizootic bubonic plague, a disease caused by the bacterium of rodents known as Yersinia pestis. The bubonic plague overwhelming effects of European history. The Black Death was considered one of the most â€Å"devastating pandemics†in human history. Whom Did the Black Death Affect The Black death affected mostly Europe. â€Å"The disastrous mortal disease known as the Black Death spread across Europe in the years 1346-53.†(Paragraph 1) â€Å"By the endRead More The Plague Essay1241 Words  | 5 Pages The Plague nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The rats did it! Rats, almost single handedly, killed off about a third of the European population throughout the 14th and 15th centuries. Its effects on western civilization still lasts today, but for the people who lived during the plagues wish indeed that they did not. Society was depressed, the economy was struggling, food was scarce, and all of Europe was in battle. Who would want to live in these dramatic conditions? No one, and not for centuriesRead MoreThe Black Plague Of Middle Ages1257 Words  | 6 Pagesenveloped Europe. The Black Plague thrived in the conditions that Europe and its climate harbored along with the filthy living conditions of European cities. The declination of population was immense and altered the way the economy, arts, and religion of Middle Aged society was structured. Carrying along with these byproducts of such a devastating epidemic are the emergence of influential artists and philosophers of the time. The Black Plague originated in China (Europe’s Plagues Came from China, StudyRead MoreEffects Of The Black Death On The Economy930 Words  | 4 PagesThe Black Death or more commonly known as Bubonic Plague, decimated European society in the mid 14 century to the extent that it has not been seen since in human history. It not only killed fifty to sixty percent of the population, but it also brought huge changes to the people of Europe. The impact of the plague caused effects on the economy, society, family structure, public policy, health science, religion, philosophy and literature. Its’ effects would last until the eighteenth century and beyondRead MoreNorman F. Cantor s The Black Plague978 Words  | 4 Pageswith the medieval period. In the beginning of this book, Cantor begins to describe how the black plague began and the symptoms of the black plague. The black plague was also known as the Black Death. Many have their own thoughts about how the plague started, but Cantor explains his thoughts throughout the first section of this book. According to Cantor, the plague started from a tiny flea. The black plague is thought to have started in Asia and spread through trade. Shipyards were filthy during theRead MoreThe Black Death Pandemic967 Words  | 4 Pages The Black Death: A Murderous Pandemic that Led Life to How it is Today The Black Death, a horrible pandemic plague that spread through all of Europe, taking 25,000,000 people along with it. In 1347, a mysterious pandemic appeared in the city-states of Italy just as Europe was recovering from famine. The Epidemic did not end until 1351 partly due to the belief of the people that this plague was spread through the air and was gods way of punishing them for their sins. Although this plague killedRead MoreBlack Plague And The Plague1367 Words  | 6 PagesBy the 14th century, the plague had wiped out sixty percent of Europe’s population. Because of its devastating fatality rate, The Black Plague was one of the most devastating pandemics in history. The disease was made famous by the outbreak in Europe, however it did not originate there. The origination of the Plague, History of the Plague, Strains and Symptoms, as well as effects of the Plague are essential ideas, important to understand the Black Plague. The Black Plague is said to have originatedRead MoreHow The Black Death Influenced Life1399 Words  | 6 PagesExplain how the Black Death influenced life in Europe The Black Death had a significant negative effect on both the economy of Europe and the Catholic Church during and after it s prime, proving to ruin the lives of many both directly and indirectly subject to the plague. However, it can be argued that the Black Death prompted a restructure in feudalism, increasing equality in society. The Bubonic Plague became prominent in 1347 AD, tearing through the lives of many throughout Europe. A major financialRead MoreThe Impacts of Boccaccios Writing Style on the Tone of Decameron1609 Words  | 6 Pagesdevice of the book itself - the Black Plague, which ravaged Europe around the time of the books setting and publication - plays a somber but vital role in this important work. The importance of the plague to the story is no less evident than in the introduction, which demonstrates the awesome power of the sickness. Boccaccios account of the plague during the time it hit Florence is often compared to real accounts and additional sources of in formation about the Black Plague, but it is often left wanting
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