Tuesday, May 19, 2020
William Rehnquist, Conservative Stalwart on the Supreme Court
William Rehnquist was one of the most influential U.S. Supreme Court justices in modern history, a conservative stalwart who dissented with the majority jurists in the Roe v. Wade opinion legalizing abortion and who built a coalition on the bench who sought to limit the power of the federal government. Rehnquist, an appointee of Republican President Richard M. Nixon who was named chief justice by President Ronald Reagan, served 33 years on the high court before dying at age 80 in September 2005. Rehnquist was a Goldwater Republican whose passions were federalism  limiting congressional power and strengthening state powers  and expression of religion. He argued that just because an action is religiously motivated, does not make it consequence-free for society, and should not make it consequence-free, under societys laws. Rehnquist also voted consistently in support of the death penalty and in opposition to gay rights. He often wrote solo dissents in his early years on the bench. Rehnquist may best be remembered for the 5-4 decision in the 2000 presidential election that stopped the Florida recount and propelled George W. Bush into the White House. He was only the second chief justice to preside over presidential impeachment hearings. Heres a look at Rehnquists biggest opinions on the Supreme Court. Roe v. Wade The courts majority held in 1974 that a woman, with her doctor, could choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without legal restriction, based primarily on the right to privacy. Rehnquist wrote the dissent, in which he noted: I have difficulty in concluding, as the Court does, that the right of privacy is involved in this case. National League of Cities v. Usery Rehnquist wrote the majority opinion in 1976, which invalided federal minimum wage requirements for local and state government employees. This case highlighted the 10th Amendment, which reserves for the states powers not explicitly enumerated elsewhere in the Constitution; this Amendment is the foundation for the states rights movement. Wallace v. Jaffree This 1985 court decision invalided an Alabama law providing a moment for silent prayer in public schools. Rehnquist dissented, contending that the belief that the founders intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state was misguided. Texas v Johnson This 1989 case found flag-burning to be a protected form of political speech under the First Amendment. Rehnquist wrote one of two dissents in this 5-4 decision, saying that the flag is the visible symbol embodying our Nation ... not simply another idea or point of view competing in the marketplace of ideas. United States v. Lopez Rehnquist wrote the majority opinion in this 1995 case, which declared unconstitutional the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990. The act gave schools a 1,000-foot gun-free perimeter. Rehnquists ruling states that Congress can regulate only commerce - its channels and instruments as well as substantive actions. Kelo v New London In this controversial 2005 decision, the court expanded the power of the Fifth Amendment, saying that local governments may take property for private use because, in this case, there was a plan that promised jobs and revenue. Sandra Day OConnor wrote for the minority, which included Rehnquist: Under the banner of economic development, all private property is now vulnerable to being taken and transferred to another private owner, so long as it might be upgraded - i.e., given to an owner who will use it in a way that the legislature deems more beneficial to the public - in the process.
Coffee Growing Regions
Every morning, millions of people around the world enjoy a cup of coffee to get a jump start on their day. In doing so, they may not be aware of the specific locations that produced the beans used in their latte or black coffee. Top Coffee Growing and Exporting Regions of the World Generally, there are three primary coffee growing and exporting areas throughout the world and all are in the equatorial region. The specific areas are Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. National Geographic calls this area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn the Bean Belt as nearly all of the commercially grown coffee in the world comes out of these regions. These are the supreme growing areas because the best beans produced are those grown at high altitudes, in a moist, tropical climate, with rich soils and temperatures around 70 °F (21 °C) -- all of which the tropics have to offer. Similar to fine wine growing regions, however, there are variations on each of the three different coffee growing regions as well, which affects the overall flavor of the coffee. This makes each type of coffee distinct to its particular region and explains why Starbucks says, Geography is a flavor, when describing the different growing regions around the world. Central and South America Central and South America produce the most coffee out of the three growing locations, with Brazil and Colombia leading the way. Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panama also play a role here. In terms of flavor, these coffees are considered mild, medium bodied, and aromatic. Colombia is the most well-known coffee producing country and is unique because of its exceptionally rugged landscape. However, this allows small family farms to produce the coffee and, as a result, it is consistently ranked well. Colombian Supremo is the highest grade. Africa and the Middle East The most famous coffees from Africa and the Middle East originate in Kenya and the Arabian Peninsula. Kenyan coffee is generally grown in the foothills of Mount Kenya and is full bodied and very fragrant, while the Arabian version tends to have a fruity flavor. Ethiopia is also a famous place for coffee in this region and is where coffee originated around 800 C.E. Even today, though, coffee is harvested there off of wild coffee trees. It mainly comes from Sidamo, Harer, or Kaffa -- the three growing regions within the country. Ethiopian coffee is both full flavored and full bodied. Southeast Asia Southeast Asia is particularly popular for coffees from Indonesia and Vietnam. The Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi are famous around the world for their rich, full-bodied coffees with earthy flavors, whereas Vietnamese coffee is known for its medium bodied light flavor. Additionally, Indonesia is known for its warehouse aged coffees that originated when farmers wanted to store the coffee and sell it at a later date for a higher profit. It has since become highly valued for its unique flavor. After being grown and harvested in each of these different locations, the coffee beans are then shipped to countries around the world where they are roasted and then distributed to consumers and cafes. Some of the top coffee importing countries are the United States, Germany, Japan, France, and Italy. Each of the aforementioned coffee exporting areas produce coffee that is distinctive of its climate, topography and even its growing practices. All of them, however, grow coffees that are famous around the world for their individual tastes and millions of people enjoy them every day.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Strategic Restructuring and Organizational Developments
Strategic Restructuring and Organizational Developments Introduction This discussion is directed toward company restructuring and repositioning, specifically my personal experiences in a project dependant industry, and the evolution of a business structure and organizational culture of flexibility and adaptability. Many companies operating in a project specific and contract dependant industry are required to align employees with processes and strategies to ensure smooth transition in an often dynamic and changeable environment. Companies competing in dynamic market environments have evolved and adapted to stay competitive and profitable. It is important to recognize the alignment of company culture toward the employee and the†¦show more content†¦The real impact during transition was felt on a personal level with organizational structure change and project reassignment. Change can often be viewed as positive, as the case in a successful completion of a life cycle project. The project life cycle is finite and inevitable; there is excitement surrounding potential for new project opportunities. Also technology and business process improvement can be embraced as the new generation becomes more accepting and involved in technological advances. Alternatively, negative sentiment can occur in the case of an unexpected and unplanned scenario such as acquisition or contract non-renewal. Forced change can be extremely difficult, particularly when the changes are unexpected and devoid of a provisional contingency plan. Effective Strategy Implementation An effective restructuring implementation strategy must be considered from the perspective of the organization, the individual and management. In addition, it is important to distinguish the interrelation factors which drive the organization as a whole through the restructuring planning, transition and recovery. The factors affecting strategy implementation in discussion are: ï‚ § Organizational Objective – defining the objective and formulating a strategy. ï‚ § People Aspects – the impact on employees. ï‚ § Management of the Transition – actions for positiveShow MoreRelatedTraining and Development Activities1768 Words  | 7 PagesTraining Development investments Training and development activities are becoming more associated with the core business objectives and have accepted new methods and technologies increasing the overall value of the training programs. Training section of the organization is now seen as a key business partner but at the same time it faces many challenges, with increasing economic difficulties organizations tend to reduce unnecessary overheads resulting in layoffs and budget cuts on employee developmentRead MoreHuman Due Diligence1432 Words  | 6 Pagesrespect? Managerial Competence: How competent is the management team of the potential partner? 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Newsletter & Financial Statements-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Prepare a 2 page Newsletter that Identifies and Summarises changes / developments and news in the Financial Reporting Environment for the Period from1 May 2017 to 4 August 2017. Answer: Alterations which signify the accounting standad through AASB from 1st April 2017 to 31st july 2017 Australian Superannuation Entities AASB Framework (16-05-17) This standard applies to all the superannuation entities. Specifications and requirements of general purpose financial statements regarding superannuation entities that focuses on measurement along with disclosure of certain benefit obligations along with disaggregated financial information disclosure. This direction keeps up the required divulgences so as to ensure that the related gatherings may understand the distinctions among ETR inside code and bookkeeping ETR arranged in consistence with certain bookkeeping benchmarks. Insurance Contracts18-05-2017) The Australian protection investigators may accomplish awesome favourable circumstances from enhanced universal likeness gave through IFRS 17 contracts issued as per IASB. According to these agreements, the global back up plans might not be encouraged to utilize recorded cost inside yearly reports. As per such contracts, open doors are diminished with a specific end goal to increase productive and unbeneficial business in a specific portfolio that prompts acknowledgment of misfortunes at a beginning period. ED 280- Property, plant and equipment This fills in as a proposition in making a considerable measure of changes to AASB 116-Property, Plant and Equipment. In view of the proposition, the profit assembled from items sold produced while bringing property, plant and gear to the condition and area that is essential for it to have the capacity to work in a way that will be absolutely from the piece of administration. For instance, the stock delivered in the term of testing, hardware may be related with benefit and misfortune and it won't be deducted from resource cost. Superior infrastructure transparency in consideration to Taxpayers (20-07-2017) According to such advancement, people in general area organizations may be required to keep up resources and liabilities related with open private associations. Moreover, such undertakings must be shown inside the monetary record articulations of an organization that prompts increment in complete resources and liabilities. This may bolster in keeping up prevalent responsibility alongside successful administration. organisations needs tax liabilities reporting (04-07-2017) In light of such alteration, the executives are required to evaluate in a superior way the forcefulness related with assess positions by considering that the expense expert has gigantic information in regards to specific actualities. Likewise, the expense obligation as per certain expected measure of settlement must not be said inside asset report proclamation of an organization. AASb Board and BUSINESS plan strategy (28-07-16) Such change was kept up as per the "Inspecting and Assurance Standards Board". AASB has kept up such system throughout the years from 2017 to 2021. Certain imperative individuals are able to clarify this standard inside general system finish. Particular era end (29-07-17) This revision has demonstrated the conclusion of AAS bookkeeping norms, for the reason that AASB 1056 considered obsolete the AAS 25 Financial Reporting through creating superannuation designs inside the current monetary year. References Maynard, J. (2017).Financial accounting, reporting, and analysis. Oxford University Press. News. (2017).Aasb.gov.au. Retrieved 23 August 2017, from https://www.aasb.gov.au/News.asp
Hollywood and Fashion-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Queston: Discuss one of these historic/current moments in which fashion becomes MORE than just clothing but becomes a site of protest. If you are dealing with an historical moment was the movement/moment successful. Answer: Protest through fashion has been a statement that is recurrently used as a powerful tool to convey a certain message (Kneip). The presence of the strong media service makes such protests achieve a global scale as it helps in transporting the message faster (Potter). Gone are the days when fashion was just for the sake of it, in the present scenario it is often noticed that there are many underlying interpretations of any fashion that is being practiced in a large and planned way. Sexual harassment, gender injustice, workplace inequality and politics are some of the major issues which receive a backlash with the protest dressing. In a massive protest against the grab her by the pussy statement by Donald Trump, a sea of women marched around the world wearing pink cat-eared soft hats, which were known as the Pussy hats (Clothing As Protest: 4 Times Fashion Was Used As A Political Statement | IWDA). The statement by Trump hurt the sentiments of the female sex and demeaning notion towards a part of the female body called for the protest. Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman first sewed the Pussy hat and expected the world to take up those hats and protest against misogyny and sexism in the world. The protest did gain momentum in the world and females from all corners of the world did come together sporting the cap and making a mark against certain prejudices set against women. The movement is still on the rise and women have participated in the protest dressing all around the world. The main idea of such a protest was to show that women around the world were united and would not resist any bias behavior based in sexuality (Gkar?ksel and Smith). The statement made by Trump emphasized the prejudice that women were less able than men were and it hurt the feminists largely as it was demeaning for them. The movement has its critics and is expected to fall in its impact slowly as some women have different ideas regarding the Pussy hats. There are opinions that the pussy hats are not unifying at all. It hurts the sentiments of the transgender who do not have the female genital and those who are biologically male but have an inclination towards the feminine characteristics. The women have started rejecting the hats because it seemingly discriminates based on color. It is presumed that women of color have genitals which are darker than that which is highlighted by the Pussy hats and hence it discriminating in nature (Gkar?ksel and Smith). Such viewpoints are on the rise and hence the entire movement is facing slow rejection and the viability of the protest dressing is slowly decreasing. Protest dressing is a move towards unity in the society and in order to make it successful people have to be aligned to the idea behind the protest. A movement of such nature can send a loud message to the society and record massive support from everyone who wishes to participate around the world. References Clothing As Protest: 4 Times Fashion Was Used As A Political Statement | IWDA.IWDA. N.p., 2018. Web. 26 Feb. 2018. Gkar?ksel, Banu, and Sara Smith. "Intersectional feminism beyond US flag hijab and pussy hats in Trumps America."Gender, Place Culture24.5 (2017): 628-644. Kneip, Veronika. "Protest campaigns and corporations: Cooperative conflicts?."Journal of business ethics118.1 (2013): 189-202. Potter, W. James.Media literacy. Sage Publications, 2013.
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